What’s behind teacher Affairs?

In most places around the country, school has started. While growing up, our school year began after Labor Day. These days, the school year begins in August in most places.

With the start of school there are mixed emotions. Some dread it, while others look forward to the new semester. Both you and your children have high emotions associated with the start of school.

The new semester is a good time for addressing affairs that begin at school. You’ll undoubtedly hear stories of teachers having affairs with students or teachers having flings with other teachers.

Regardless of who the affair is with, the effects of what happened destroys lives and careers.

Although some ‘experts’ attribute such affairs to immaturity, I believe there are other factors to consider. One contributing factor is the school environment itself.

When you put teens and their teachers who each have their own surges of hormones into an environment where they are ‘caged’ and controlled, sooner or later the hormones are going to come out.

Humans were never designed to function like robots in controlled environments. Their human-ness will come out one way or another. When you keep anyone caged for extended periods each day, eventually it catches up to them.

What is often referred to as ‘immaturity’ is more about the teachers inability to handle transference issues. Most teachers are never trained in transference or ways of dealing with it. The students are brimming with hormones as are some teachers.

In such an environment, the hormones contribute to attachments and crushes forming. Those touched think they’re ‘in love‘. It’s not love, it’s a matter of their hormones attaching to another human in an environment without other stimulation or outlets.

Besides hormones, there are transference issues. Those without power often develop crushes on those with power.

Transference shows up with any power relationship. When you put teachers in such an artificial environment without being trained for transference, you are creating a combustible situation.

What this means is that if you’re a teacher, you’re in a high risk situation for affairs. If your spouse is a teacher they’re ‘at risk’ for an affair coming from a direction you never considered.

Attributing teacher affairs to ‘immaturity’ is an easy out. It avoids dealing with sensitive issues that are seldom considered.

If you have found yourself caught up in one of these situations, you’ll want to consider “Help for the Cheater: Starting the Road to Recovery”.  It will help you or your spouse in addressing this significant issue.

Keeping It Real,


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