Seeking Divorce rather than repair

One of the essential items for me to have when reading research, books or articles is a pen. Over the years I’ve found them helping in making notations, underlining and highlighting items for my own take away. This practice helps me dissect and make sense of material I read.

One take away from a recent article concerned a quote from Dr. James Wright. The article discussed his research done with a group of over 600 couples. The research found a disturbing trend in the couples seeking marriage counseling.

Dr. Wright stated “the counseling profession too frequently tries to help their clients through divorce rather than help them repair their marriages.”

His statement didn’t shock me. Instead it validated some of my own observations. It also underscored my sentiment that “it makes a difference who you see for marriage help.”

In the survey I did with couples, I found similar findings. In my survey over half of the couples who went to counseling reported that the counselor didn’t help them with recovery from the affair, but instead addressed other issues.

I told me that most counselors don’t deal with the affair and recovery from it. When you don’t deal with the presenting issue, you’ve got a problem.

Dr. Wright’s statement definitely applies to getting help for your marriage after an affair. In such cases, what you assumed was marriage counseling ended up being divorce counseling.

This practice fits in with the disposable mindset that runs rampant in today’s society. It’s gone beyond disposable diapers and fast food. Now it’s your marriage that’s under threat of being dismissed.

Fortunately, there have been some voices speaking up for helping couples like you save your marriage, even after an affair. One was John Bradshaw who posed the question “Are you throwing away a perfectly good marriage?”

Apparently it’s more profitable for some in the counseling profession to join the lawyers and courts in the profitable journey to divorce court. They know that there’s more money to be made in the break-up of your marriage than in salvaging it.

I want your marriage to make it. I want you to make it through the affair.

If you want ways of salvaging your marriage after the affair, you’ve come to the right place. In the Affair Recovery Workshop, I guide the both of you through the areas needing additional help and changes.

You can start by clicking the link, downloading and starting the repairs. I assure you that the workshop deals with the problem of the affair and helping you recover from it.

You don’t have to throw away a perfectly good marriage. Instead, you can know what to change and how to change it in order to make it through the challenges brought into your life by the affair.

Order your copy today and start recovering rather than dis-assembling your marriage.

Keeping It Real,



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