What happens to your mind during an Affair?

A inquiring reader wants to know “What happens to your mind during an affair?”  Although I’ve dealt with the similar topic of what happens to your brain during an affair in a special report, I’ve only touched on what happens to your mind.

First, let me make it clear that your mind is much more than your brain. Your brain is part of your mind.

Your mind includes your whole nervous system along with the electromagnetic energy field surrounding your body.

It’s already established that cellphones and other electronic devices impact your electromagnetic energy field. Other people and your own emotions impact your energy field as well. They can energize it, drain it or clash with it.

Consider for example how someone whose severely depressed drains the energy from conversations and those around them. After you’ve been around those people or needy persons you feel drained.

Affairs also impact your electromagnetic energy field. All the emotions and thoughts, both conscious and unconscious start impacting the energy field part of your mind, nervous system and body.

The thing about affairs is that they bring ‘dirty energy’ into the cheaters energy field. They may feel energized, but its’ not a clean or positive energy. It’s considered dirty energy since your conscience considered it ‘wrong’.

Everyone the cheater is with influences their energy field and their thinking. Bonds, both visible and invisible are formed. Those bonds and the energy associated with them maintain connection between the cheater and their lover.

Even when they’re not with the lover, the lover takes up residence in their mind. The neurons changed by the lover are still there.

The memories that were registered in their mind are still there. They may be tucked away in a remote corner, but they remain.

The bonding is supposed to bring greater connection between two people. When the bonding happens with others that you aren’t married to your mind is filled with confusing and contradictory messages and neural activity.

Your mind also includes your conscience which knows whether you did something that you shouldn’t have done. When you do, it impacts your energy field as well.

The tricky thing about the electromagnetic energy field is that it’s not always visibly discernible. You only sense that something’s different or off, even though you don’t see any changes.

This means that when you have those sensations, you need to follow up on them rather than ignore them. Your mind is picking up on changes in their mind. Ignoring those clues is risky.

In my video “How Can I Trust You Again?”, I address ways of rebuilding trust in your relationship. Rebuilding trust is a way of starting the cleansing and repair of the damage done to the mind of the cheater and its impact on your marriage.

Click and download the video today, so that the two of you can start undoing the damage of the affair in areas you hadn’t imagined.

Keeping It Real,



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