When innocence doesn’t matter

One of the harsh realities I encountered when I worked as a hospital program director is that of legal liability. The buck had to stop somewhere and that somewhere was me. Just being in that position made me the target of allegations and legal hassles.

What made the legal liabilities challenging is that they were either never due to my actions, or the charges against me were false. In one situation an employee misbehaved on my watch and the other involved an employee alleging discrimination.

Either way, I had to face legal hassles for nothing that I did. No matter how innocent I was, I couldn’t escape or outrun the legal hassles. I ended up going through the legal meat grinder for nothing. In the end, I was cleared in both situations.

When courts are involved, your innocence doesn’t matter. Your innocence doesn’t get you out of the hassles.

My reason for bringing up this story is that cheaters seldom consider how their actions open the door to legal hassles or how bad those hassles can be. When family courts and demands for child custody enter the picture, it doesn’t matter how innocent you are.

You may not have done anything illegal. Your only wrong may have been in having an affair. Once your spouse takes you to court, the whole situation changes.

At that point, you can’t even count on being able to share your side of the story. If your spouse’s story is believable enough, that’s all that matters to the courts. Remember family courts make their money from breaking up families. They’re looking for reasons to send out social services.

Phrases like “Parent Alienation” and “child support” will become very familiar to you. If you think having an affair ruined your reputation, just wait until there are allegations of you not paying your fair share of child support.

You also lose any semblance of privacy. At that point, you no longer have a private life or private bank accounts. The courts want to know everything. If you’ve done anything that makes you look suspicious, they’ll assume the worst.

I mention these things to you as a reminder that each day you put off ending the affair or dealing with it increases your risk of being snared in the court system. You can’t outrun the legal system.

With that in mind, today is the time to take action on dealing with the affair. One place to start is with “Help for the Cheater: Starting the Road to Recovery“. If you don’t know where to start or what needs to be done first, this video will let you know.

Waiting until a ‘good time’ comes along for ending the affair is never a good idea. The best day for ending it was yesterday, the second-best is today and anything after that is asking for trouble.

Just click and download the video today. Within minutes you can know where to start and what steps to take in preventing hassles that could be in your future. Working through some discomfort and awkward situations now are much better than the years of suffering that come with court actions.

Keeping It Real,


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