Sexual Addiction, Reconciliation and Healing

The headline of her post was “Help. Can we reconcile?” Even though it was a longer post, she said it was the short version of her story.

It would take a series of emails for me to cover each of the points she made. For the sake of brevity, I’ll take one. She mentioned how when things died in the bedroom, her husband started promoting swinging as a solution.

What he presented as a ‘solution’ ended up creating more problems. He started online relationships without her, had affairs, and started making sexual comparisons of her with his ex.

This destroyed her self-esteem and left her feeling lost, angry, and humiliated.

When she started confronting his solution, he shut her down with “You’re paranoid/insecure/crazy”. She initially believed it, until she found evidence otherwise.

One discovery led to another and it eventually came out he has a sexual addiction going back to some early life trauma episodes related to porn. He’s now in treatment and she wants to know about reconciliation.


This is a difficult question, as it depends on the situation. If the husband is in treatment and working on his issues, then there may be some hope for reconciliation. However, if he is not truly committed to fixing the issues that led to the affair, then it is likely that the marriage will not survive.

Couples can recover from sexual addictions. Going through the recovery process requires making some serious changes to how they’ve been doing things and how they solve their issues.

Recovering from sexual addictions also means healing the relationship scars on each of them. Although the addict must accept responsibility for their actions, healing all the damage is something that involves both of them.

This wife would benefit from the video “Overcoming Relationship Trauma for Swingers”. It would guide her in moving past the scars that came with their unpleasant experiences.

A large number of sex addicts use swinging as a way to hide or continue their addictions. They may not even be aware of what’s behind what they’re doing.

Her marriage needs help that includes dealing with traumas and sexual addictions. They both need help with healing. If this sounds like your marriage, the time for starting healing is now.

Click and download your copy of the video today.

Within minutes you can find ways of dealing with things you’ve been carrying around for years.

Keeping It Real,



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