The truth about trust

In today’s world of social media, trust has become a hot topic. Many comments emphasize the devastating impact of broken trust. You hear of losses everywhere, from the area of respect to communication. It’s clear that this is an area that deserves our attention. Many have loss trust in government, the local police, public schools, media sources and even their own spouses.

Trust is discussed in terms of it being an all or nothing deal. You either trust them or not, with little middle ground. But is trust really an all or nothing deal? I beg to differ. Trust is complex, with different components that can be damaged or immature in various areas. Despite this, trust still exists, albeit in limited amounts and specific aspects of our lives. It’s not always a black and white situation.


Rarely do people disappoint us in every aspect of their lives. If they do, there are likely deeper issues at play. Some couples struggle to understand the true meaning of trust, confusing it with control, fear, and insecurity. This confusion leads to a belief that trust is solely based on feelings, making it much harder to rebuild.


Every interaction we have involves some level of trust, even if it’s limited. Without trust, there is no foundation for any form of communication or interaction. The saying “No trust, no respect, no communication” rings true. But even in the absence of trust, there’s a paradox – we start to trust that the untrustworthy will remain so. We find ourselves placing some level of trust in their consistent untrustworthiness.


Perhaps those who struggle with trust simply haven’t grasped what it truly means. Trust isn’t something that magically appears or disappears. It’s a formula, and when all the pieces are present, trust is present. When those pieces are missing, it’s impossible to rely on trust.


In my video, ‘How Can I Trust You Again?’, I unpack this trust formula and provide practical ways to rebuild what has been lost. Trust can be restored when we have the right tools and knowledge.


So, let’s get real about trust and learn how to rebuild it in our lives.


Keeping It Real,


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