The Power of Hard Truths

Throughout the past few months, I’ve embarked on a journey of embracing hard truths. These are the undeniable facts that I once resisted, but now understand the importance of accepting.


Acknowledging these hard truths mentally is only the first step. It is crucial to also accept them emotionally, as simply refusing to do so does not make them disappear. In my case, confronting these hard truths pushed me out of my comfort zone, reminding me of my vulnerabilities and limitations.


Despite viewing myself as a superhero capable of handling anything that comes my way, I soon realized I was deceiving myself. I wasn’t all-powerful, nor was I completely powerless. My encounters with hard truths while dealing with parental illnesses and death highlighted this fact. Each experience had its unique challenges, but the underlying truths were strikingly similar.


As I stared into the uncomfortable mirror of reality, I found myself face-to-face with issues that were not on my terms. Life, in any way, shape, or form, did not adhere to my expectations.


Affairs, too, bring hard truths into our lives. Whether it is the people involved, the actions taken, or the unintended outcomes, we must confront these truths. There are moments when events occur outside of our control, forcing us to confront realities we never anticipated or planned for.


Lying has often been a common coping mechanism for dealing with hard truths we don’t want to accept. Perhaps both you and your spouse have resorted to lying as a way of avoiding the hard truth about your marriage. By understanding that our struggle to face hard truths often drives us to deceive, we can gain a fresh perspective.


One hard truth that must be acknowledged is the need for help. Saying out loud, “I need help!” can be difficult, yet it is an essential step in accepting this truth. If you find yourself resisting these words, it is clear that you are grappling with the hard truth about seeking assistance.


In the “Affair Recovery Workshop” download, I will effectively guide you through the process of “telling yourself the truth” and embracing the challenges that come with it. The affair may have disrupted your comfort zone, but there is hope. By learning and applying the necessary tools, you can turn your marriage around.


Remember, the next step after saying “I need help!” is to boldly ask for it and actively pursue the support you require.


Join me on this journey of embracing hard truths and transforming your life.


Keeping It Real,


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