The Rooster Gives Himself Away

Colorful image of a rooster

There’s a saying in Jamaica of ‘Cock mout kill cock‘. The saying means that the crowing of the rooster (cock mouth) brings attention to himself which makes it easier for the owner to find him and kill him. Although I hadn’t heard the saying very often, I’ve experienced it with my own chickens. There were several days I waited for one of the chickens to crow to identify which one was the rooster hiding among them.

One morning, the rooster couldn’t help himself. He lifted his head and crowed. At that moment, I knew which chicken was the rooster. The rooster’s own noise brought his downfall. Similarly, the words and behavior of the cheater expose and bring them down as well. It may be bragging to friends, posting on Facebook or even being cavalier with their phone in a way that exposes their activities. it’s not just bragging that exposes them. They crow in many different ways.

Exposure also happens by going overboard or being insincere in their gifts or praise of you. They act very out of character alerting you that something isn’t right. The crowing of the cheater shows up in many ways. They may crow about how much they love you or how special you are or how much of a man they are. Knowing the ways of your spouse is one of the fastest ways of identifying when they aren’t acting ‘normal’.

The problem is that many spouses are too busy or distracted to pick up on the subtle clues left behind by their straying spouse. The odd choices of words, unusual phrases, distancing, change in musical tastes, desire for new sexual positions, and other tell-tale signs are overlooked.

In some cases, the cheated spouse may even dismiss these behaviors as a phase or simply ignore them. However, it’s important to pay attention to any sudden changes in behavior and listen closely to what your partner is saying. Oftentimes, cheaters will accidentally reveal their infidelity through small slip-ups in conversation.

You may be caught up with caring for a parent, putting in long hours at work, or just worn out from taking care of the family. For whatever reason, you missed the signs and signals alerting you to the danger. Those subtle signs are forms of their crowing as a way of alerting you to what’s going on. For most of you, those signs are only noticed in hindsight.

What is important is that you take action once you finally wake up to the affair.  This is where the video “Getting Past the Affair Crisis” comes in. In the video, you’ll find ways of coming to grips with what’s been going on. You’ll also find what not to do in those critical days around affair discovery.

Knowing what to do along with what not to do makes a difference in what direction your relationship heads. Click and download the video today. Within minutes you’ll find ways of caring for yourself and dealing with the situation in front of you.

Keeping It Real,


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