Some days it feels like the world is against my marriage

There may be days that you feel like the world is against your marriage staying together and against you. Although you may dismiss it as paranoia, it is closer to the truth than you may realize. There are many groups and forces at work which dislike a one-man, one-woman marriage and family. Although the one-woman, one-man marriage has withstood the test of time, such marriages face increased pressure in the present age. Although these groups have different agendas, they share the common goal of opposing traditional marriages. Your marriage presents a threat to them in terms of how they want things to be. It reminds them of their failures, and mistakes. It reminds them that there are healthy limits as to who you sleep with. Such groups often hate boundaries and limits of any kind. The wacky paradox is that although they hate boundaries and rules, the structures of the groups they belong to often have many rules and boundaries themselves.

Like corporate raiders, they want to pillage your marriage and family for the parts. Some want your wife, some your husband, some your health, some your children and some your money. They each have different pieces they seek, but in order to obtain what they want, the marriage and family structure has to be destroyed, and affairs are a convenient way to destroy them. They often hide their true intentions behind what seem to be well meaning causes. Whether the cause is ‘sexual liberation’, ‘equality of marriage’ or removing the ‘oppression of marriage’, they each want to see your marriage destroyed. Your marriage stands in opposition to what they stand for.

So what does that mean for you? It means that some groups are driven by emotion rather than logic. It means that those feelings that the world is against you are valid. You are not imagining things. At those moments, you are likely more in touch with reality than other times.

During such times, you need to associate with others who value marriage and family the way that you do. There is often safety in numbers, if only as a place to compose yourself and get your head together. There are times that you may feel alone. These groups often want to leave you feeling isolated and alone. You are not alone. You are not the only one who wants to see your marriage succeed. Although it may feel helpless, there are things that you can do, attitudes that you can change, you may just have to do some soul-searching to find them.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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3 Responses

  1. Cool photo….wonder where you shot that!

    Hey …Happy Birthday to me….don’t mind if I say so …every year is one more celebration of breathing even if some of it is not all that great in some ways ..God is awesome…nothing is wasted….so we rejoice…for the Joy of the Lord is my strength and this world is not my home as the songs go.

    Learning through all things we live through. Grace is ours because we have been loved even though we were not all that ..

    Yes the world IS AGAINST all things that are of the Lord but HE has caused victory over all things and we WIN when we are IN HIM!

    Thank you Jeff for your continued work to help those who are hit below the belt day after day but keep on truckin’

    [How many cliches did I get in there ??? hahaha…some times they just ‘fit’ !]

    1. Happy Birthday Zaza,

      The photo was taken at Pinocchio Park in Collodi, Italy. Collodi is where the author of pinocchio was born. It was a delightful park filled with interactive sculptures. The one for the whale is an example. You can climb to the top or venture into his mouth. The sculptures have a way of making the park come alive.

      Each year of life, each day of life is a blessing. Many times we do not know how to handle them, yet they are still blessings. I hope yours is filled with joy and encouragement.

  2. The Lord is gracious and full of mercy…This may have been the best birthday YET! Who knew that 66 would be so great ! Despite all things …it is a testimony to how God works through Jesus Christ no matter what we may go through [ or be in the midst of …just like in the furnace of Daniel…HE was there !]

    Thank you for your blessings….I think I would enjoy seeing that park …maybe not climb INTO the mouth of that sculpture but …you seemed to have enjoyed traveling great is that !

    Have a wonderful day …the sun is shining is hot but I am enjoying the lovely weather and the gardens in my neighbors yards..such color and texture! Such depth of the intricate designs of our Creator evident everywhere …it is amazing people are blind to such things!

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