Duty to the lover’s kids

What is your duty to the lover’s children? Some cheaters would have you believe that they have a duty to the lover and their children. In today’s modern society, you are often raised in a mindset where you feel responsible for every child in the world. Yes, there are needy children all around the world, but they are NOT your responsibility.

When you begin feeling the pangs of guilt and feel like you have to do something, you are hooked. The cheater may make highly emotional appeals on this matter. They may make all kinds of altruistic pleas and even bring religion into their appeals. With all the heightened emotions, the question arises as to how you can deal with it.

First, cut the emotions by looking at the facts. By examining the ‘facts’, and isolating them from the ’emotional’ factor, you begin gaining objectivity in this highly emotional matter. Although the children have done nothing wrong, you may need to remind yourself, that there was a reason in previous generations, that terms like ‘love child’ and bastard were used.

One of the reason such harsh terms as love child and bastard were used was to reduce the emotional manipulation. The terms are harsh, yet they help in coming to terms with what you are dealing with and the reality surrounding it.  Each child is a reminder of broken promises made by your spouse to love you above all others. In some cases, it may be that the children are not your spouse’s, which means that you are ‘picking up someone else’s baggage’.

Second, recognize that your first and your spouses first responsibilities are to your own family. If you are caring for others and ignoring your own family, you are missing the boat. If you want to help out of love, that is one thing, if you are motivated by guilt, you will need to stop it. Realize that you do not have a legal or moral obligation to those children. Yes, they may be needy. Yes, they may need a mommy or a daddy, but it is not your job to provide that for them.

In modern society, many things are driven by emotion. With all the emphasis on emotion, it leaves you vulnerable for emotional manipulations and ploys like “you need to care about the lover’s kids!”The cheater often attempts making the lover’s children as if it is your problem or your responsibility. Their main ways of doing this is often through emotional appeals. It is as if they are trying to appeal to your parental instincts instead of your responsible adult mindset.

Even if they bring out references to Jesus, claiming that “Jesus would love them”, You need to recall, that He reminded us to care for our own families and own household FIRST. He also had some strong things to say about adultery as well. Cheaters often want all the love and acceptance side of what was said and often ignore the responsibility side.

Bear in mind, that after the lover’s kids are often an ever expanding problem. Not only in terms of numbers of children but also in expanding what the emotional hook. At first it is just emotions, then time, then money. The kids always seem to want MORE, and your spouse is wanting you to give MORE.

They may even find ways to make the children “your problem” and “your responsibility”. Once the hook has expanded to financial upkeep, they may expand it to the point of legal obligations to the children. The courts may even be brought in to pressure you in some way to care for them.

Getting suckered into caring for others before you care for your own is foolishness and detrimental to both you and your family. You will have to set clear boundaries. The cheater may call you selfish, uncaring, unfeeling, etc. They may even refer to you being a monster or inhuman due to your stance. If you hope to get through the affair mess, you will need to have some clear boundaries. This is one of those boundaries that needs to be clear. Clear boundaries is one of the hallmarks of healthy families.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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8 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for stateing what in generations past was the OBVIOUS.

    Jesus even acknowledged ‘ the poor you have with you always’ not disregarding this reality …but in truth the need for any and all things THIS life …are found as we obey GOD

    Humanism and social engineering has , as you have said …fed upon the emotions people have and have been made to feel a ‘responsibility’ for others to the degree that the state of the world is laid upon all people regardless of whatever their own lives and behaviors have been.

    The Devil works through emotions….first he enjoys targeting someones sense of ‘need’

    Sex is one that has been defined by this present age as a ‘need’ ….people are told to ‘meet your spouses NEEDS” in the aspect of sex and it is a wrong paradigm

    A “NEED” is something that is required for LIFE….AIR , WATER, FOOD , CLOTHING , SHELTER.

    Sex is a ‘need’ in terms of GOD wanted a GODLY SEED which was to be the outgrowth of RELATIONSHIP between a HUSBAND and HIS WIFE.

    Today’s men do not know what their responsibilities are to their wives….They somehow have gotten the idea that their ONLY job description is to earn money ….

    The “pursuit of happiness’ being engraved upon our national monuments has usurped the ten commandments which actually bring more clarity to the PURPOSE of LIFE …which ‘happiness’ is not defined as more and more PLEASURE .

    Not knowing life’s PURPOSE according to the Creator has led to more and more destructive goal setting as pleasure is now at the forefront of people’s ‘bucket list’

    I was thinking about the things GOD originally put in place for man’s GOOD ….among the first was WORK …WORK even in an environment where the outcome of work was nothing more than the actual industry and benefit of work to the man’s soul!

    He had all the other ‘needs of his life were met in the garden.

    But even with this ‘God perceived that his provision for the man was not completed He had recorded for us to take note…that in HIS view …it was “NOT GOOD” that man was alone!

    The purpose of GOD for man …and the purpose of life for the man’s best life was to actively DO …whatever brought GLORY to GOD …

    For this the WOMAN was not just ‘for the man’ in terms of his need for companionship and pleasure …but BOTH of those benefits to the man would come by way of his WORK in the participating in life WITH HIS WIFE.

    This activity was for GOD’S GLORY primarily …AND for the completion of the man in the aspect that WORK did not provide.

    It is a ‘specialized’ form of ‘work’

    Work has had a bad rap in a world that sends the message that LIFE’S purpose and fulfillment is in the pursuit of happiness! This one paridigm has brought about more destruction to lives, marriages and families and thus socieites than anyone outside of those interested in finding out FROM GOD what the purpose of life is !

    Pursuit if happiness has led to many marrying a PERSON that they believed would make them HAPPY for ALL TIME.

    The feelings that are percieved as all there is to know about ‘love’ lead people to that fleeting conception that ‘love ‘ is a feeling and as long as that FEELING is felt …it is LOVE …

    We know that feelings of all kinds fluctuate.

    Both good and bad.

    The earlier generations …BTV …before television…..pretty much knew and accepted that they would have to WORK and work HARD to get their food , and other physical needs met.

    Work had honor …it had respect …and it had value beyond a paycheck ..

    Work …and particularly physical labor brought about something most only know as the benefit of exercise …ENDORPHINS

    But work was good for a man because a man was designed to enjoy and gain internally from the effort of work ….

    The same benefit from work that Adam was designed to derive in the Garden before the Fall is still there …it is just that now WORK is harder and more difficult in not only our perspective of it …but in the actual world as part of the consequence of sin was that work would be harder AND it would become the necessity in order to gain whatever provision for our physical needs

    Pleasure was only a small portion of ones day and basically was to be found in relationship with one’s spouse …in her company …and in the blessing and priviledge of a sexual oneness….and relationship which was to bring forth in addition to the immediate pleasure …children who also would provide some pleasure and recreational relief from the toil of ones work day .

    A recent article that I read pointed out that with the coming of no fault divorce…concurrent with the PILL….and a dissassociation of sex from procreation …the stage was set for unbound lust and sexual sin.

    Prior to these laws against the laws of GOD was the advent in 1948 of the deeply destructive published views of Kinsey ….Just this last weekend I finally viewed the Kinsey Syndrome DVD …that I got from Amazon…it is an expose of this extremely disturbed man upon whom many of our laws that used to protect women , children and families…have been influenced.

    Kinsey had ties to Alaister Crowley …a satanists who was contacted by Kinsey to keep records of his pedophilia and perverted sexual practices..as well as his contact with a Nazi officer who was asked to keep records of his own perverted behaviors with children ….AND Kinsey’s link to Hugh Hefner and another man who was one of Charles Manson’s followers and murderers

    His link and support to Rockefeller also is brought forth

    The intentional destruction to our society and the world at large has been ongoing for many many years…and now is seen quite obviously to those who are taking note.

    The problem is …like the frog in the slow boiling pot …the public in general has taken for granted the low standards of morality as ‘normal ‘ and ‘good ‘ failing to have taken time to become informed or seek out the reasons for this terrible state we see now .

    The sex ed has it’s foundation and roots in this man’s perverted publishings that turned many marriages upside down as people viewed their congugal lives as ‘abnormal’ and ‘too puritanical’ and ‘boring ‘ by way of comparison to Kinsey and many of his contemporaries of the time .

    The first cause though is that man turned from a serious examination of scripture to learn what GOD said ..and with the introduction and puposely flooding of culture with the thoughts of Charles Darwin …the stage was set for man to believe he was nothing but another ‘kind’ of animal …

    Thus …with the advent of TV …more or less…man’s view of the purpose of life was turned from the stated truth that it was to love and glorify GOD …to seeking pleasure and entertainment

    If pleasure and entertainment promise to MAKE one “happy’ then industry , creativity and work become of lesser importance.

    Slavery is more and more the trade off for authentic living

    “Making a living’ becomes the task at hand instead of LIVING ….

    A paycheck is the trade off for satisfying and fulfiling of one’s fullest expressions of what GOD has placed within each individual …talents , abilities all turn into being used for the means to the end which is PLEASURE …

    Sacrifice is only seen as another means to an end

    Effort , training, sacrifice that once was for the joy of developing and honing talent and ability for the glory of GOD somehow became the means to gain ..money , power , and abiltiy to gain more and more time for PLAY

    Play as the end goal of effort becomes empty as many things brought to the forefront as ‘pleasurable’ have a high cost of integrity these days .

    The ‘allowance’ for losses , pain and long term fulfillment is even now understood as one of the downsides of this kind of goal …but in the face of temptations to GAIN happiness….the person will make that trade …and if possible trade not his OWN pain …but that of others …and most often those closest to him

    The trade off of the time and participation with the wife and children for work …and pleasure ….is thought of as not only worthy but ‘necessary’ …

    Soon the selling off of one’s integrity is seen as nothing much since “OTHERS” are doing this too ..and they are not losing out in terms of the respect of those they want to impress or think well of them…of course this requires skill in lying

    The person who is not happy and sees their SPOUSE as the one that will MAKE them happy will soon find that life …just LIFE will bring about challenges to happiness …LIFE will ‘double cross’ them and if MARRIED and the person they married does not somehow override this feeling of unhappiness LIFE has brought about then that person has FAILED …and must be the ‘wrong person ‘ ….!

    The spouse becomes a ‘failure’ in this utility …SO then the reasoning begins based upon this idea that HAPPINESS is the PURPOSE of LIFE .

    IF the unhappiness does not disappear with marriage …or does not override some of life’s trials …then since HAPPINESS is a ‘RIGHT” then one has some ‘justification’ to find something or someone that should make them happy .

    Isn’t this the ‘go to ‘ doctrine that so many have used or heard as they try to deal with a marriage ‘snag’ ?

    Even amid some church counsellors or attendees …the argument for divorce or adultery has been
    “Don’t you think GOD wants you to be happy?”

    This comes out of a skewed view of GOD …according to the ‘GOD IS LOVE” scriptures…but ignores the truth that He is also JUST …and HOLY …and it is because of THESE attributes that out of LOVE HE asked Jesus Christ to fulfill the law and lay down HIS LIFE ON THE CROSS to provide a way for whomsoever would FOLLLOW HIM …to not be liquidated in his holy presence!!

    The LOVE of GOD required some way for us to enter into a relationship with GOD whereby our fleshly falleness would not reckon us ‘grease spots’ upon approaching HIM!!!

    A lack of knowledge of the WHOLE testimony of scripture and the buying of the lie …even among those who do not claim to honor Jesus Christ or the God of the Bible..that somehow just being ‘nice’ to everyone …dispite the criteria of holiness and sanctifying our lives and our bodies from the WORLD …which JESUS made clear was our calling …all people bought by HIM …but all people still with the freedom of CHOICE …to follow after the moral laws within …conscience.

    Thus …people removing themselves from Godly paridigm ..and having been pursuaded that either there is ‘no God ‘ …or that ‘Jesus did it FOR you ‘ /….fall into ditches and bite the hand of the Samaritan [ Jesus ] who offers the truth of the situation that they might recover themselves out of the ditch/pit/ grave! that this life is ….until one comes to HE who IS life

    The pursuit of happiness …the RIGHT to entertainment ..and the race toward recreation ….has become the focal point and the destruction of all relationships …real and present .

    Participation has been reduced to our selfish determination of WHEN or even IF we will respond to a text….or email

    I have come to see that the more PERSONAL the interaction the more valued that person is …

    Often the TIME we spend online having discussions with strangers ….is something that has added to the desparate need to communicate …and be heard ..if only by strangers…when our closest provided companion in life has ‘left the building ‘ and is busy ‘building relatinships ‘ for some mercenary reason ..be it money or SEX …in the case of adultery

    One of the downsides of sin is the guilt ..and guilt is NOT happiness.

    I see that my husband’s FLEEING to others…was partly because we started our marriage living around the WORD of GOD and keeping godly friendships …learning to make godly choices

    When he began a job surrounded with the ‘alternative’ of many who did not care about GOD …did not honor his commandments…did not value or honor marriage …had no interest in evaluating their choices in terms of their effects upon their minds and values…HE began to distance from me .

    His rejection of the LORD ., the bible…and ME …all began to be overt…

    This is sin …it violates his confession and growth in relationship with GOD ..completely making an about turn from his vows to GOD …for his life..and for our marriage

    SIN causes GUILT .

    If ones idea of what is good …love and life is feeling good ..then guilt will begin to cause one to seek how to feel “BETTER’ …

    In this search ..for feeling better…having cast off the source for making RIGHT choices that would begin to guide one into a life long experience of dealing with feeling badly …because of guilt would leave only MORE SIN to try to silence the conscience while one makes more and more choices based upon FEELINGS

    When one is IN SIN …the ‘bad feeling’ of the conscience is for the purpose of getting one to STOP …and to turn and begin to seek forgiveness from those one has sinned against….GOD being primarily the main one and then those people ones sins have effected most intimately

    When one has discarded this process because face it ….confession of sin is uncomfortable …and if comfort and happiness are the goal ..then confession of what makes one’ happy ‘ is not going to be a compelling answer for the bad feelings that are brought about by sin!

    The only ‘solution’ then is to get rid of whatever is making you feel badly about what you want to do that you feel is ‘good’ and ‘pleasurable”

    Only one man knew about my husband and his whore….it was a business associate that worked in the same company …but in another office..they were both managers of some prestige.

    The OW had become my husbands business partner and eventually over lunch they told his guy …who had become my husband’s ‘best friend’ I NOW understand why …the guy did not disapprove of what they revealed to him …though I am not sure he approved of it .

    He asked my husband once WHY he was carrying on with this woman …and my husband told him “She makes me happy ‘

    The truth is that when around me or anyone moral …he was “unhappy ” so being with the one person who did not condemn his sin …made him ‘happy’

    His thinking was skewed…it was the SIN that made him uncomfortable and unhappy ..and the sex only masked this pain temporarily….Being around her was the only place where he could do his sin and feel ok and even appreciated for whatever she was gaining out of it …mostly income.

    His distancing and rejection and lack of participation in our marriage and even with our children was marrred by this nagging guilt.

    The OW used this guilt for her gain ..as she ‘upped the anty’ over many years…gaining more and more from him….but actually FROM ALL of US ..

    He gave NOTHING of himself that he valued….he did not see that his integrity , self respect and career were at risk and being stolen ..because he had HER attention and flattery AND since noone knew at work ….or otherwise..his experience among others had not deminished in respect or honor …so he was ‘good’ in terms of continuing to ‘get ‘ all that he wanted from all these aspects

    Meanwhile he was neglecting us and soon began to actually slip up in his ‘respectful ‘ speech and attitude toward me in front of our chidlren and others…it was moderate but shocking non the less since he was pretty much a ‘nice ‘ man whose showed concern for others

    When he had a child the first time by her..his attitude took a decided turn for the worse.

    His bad feelings now were decidedly thought to be any and all ‘reasons’ he could fabricate in his mind as to why I was the ‘wrong ‘ woman for him but he was bound to stay ‘married’ and that for ‘appearance ‘ sake as I now realize.

    Even NOW his need to feel that he is a ‘good guy’ and stay in some contact with effort not to be a deadbeat dad continues to be a link to the manipulative works of this woman …and he becomes angry when told so .

    Before he reconnected she not only did OK …but she sold and bought a house….moved herself and the kids and they did not starve.

    NOW since he contacted them …to ‘be ‘ a ‘father’ he finds many calls from the oldest child that there is ‘no food in the house’ …this is ongoing ..and it is a true outcome of the OW knowing that whatever she manipulates to create worry in him is useful to get him to come running

    He says he sees that throughout this adultery she created ‘crisis ‘ after crisis to get him to give her money or do something FOR her …lust.

    His responses to her ‘needs’ led to our whole family losing our financial security which I believe the incoome to be God’s provision throught the work of the husband for not just the immediate needs for the family but for the future time when work will not be something that the older person can do ….

    ANyway …His guilt was used against him …sin steals , kills and destroys all …body , soul , spirit …

    HAppiness is the carrot that many are being led off the road of FULFILLMENT to chase after and when happiness is throught to be a ‘right’ there are NO PEOPLE that are going to stand in the way of this pursuit.

    NOT even the person themselves…drug users are a good example of this

    This OW CHOSE to have two children …campaigned for them ..because she has been led to believe she has ‘REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS” …never mind what for ! SHe wanted them …for her OWN purposes

    She got INCOME and pretty much lifelong support because my husband told me ‘I can’t live with MYSELF if I don’t take care of those children’

    He said that if he had to wait until he was equipped with godly knowledge and had to wait until he had tended to the healing of our marriage that could be 20 years from now and ‘too late’ to make any real impact on their lives !”

    What about the effects of his ‘impact ‘ upon them NOW as he is NOT making a godly impact and cannot be a true father …but instead more of a BUDDY …a “FAIRWEATHER FATHER” ….

    Good for HIM …but not all that good for THEM

    ALL of their paridigms are twisted now …They too are being led to believe that anything in life is ok as long as you are ‘happy’ …no activity is too bad if it makes you ‘happy’

    Their mother is such ..my husband is such …

    AND in the mean time …our family is put aside ..for what ? “Twenty years ‘ as he has projected those kids ‘need him’

    I spent 31+ years with the false paridigm that a wife is supposed to support what makes her husband HAPPY! SO if he ‘needed’ to play golf , take a trip , be at the office…whatever made HIM HAPPY became the most important thing!

    I was taught that as wife it was MY job description to love my husband and to support him ..to be his ‘cheerleader’ and so I was

    As a follower of the LORD I was being taught OF HIM from scripture and the resulting instuctions from scripture filled me in on what to AVOID for the sake doing right ..pleasing GOD and avoiding defiling activities, music, media and relationships ..over time …I was being led to view some of the things my husband had ONCE been also learning to avoid …he was enjoying and going after…THIS caused him to view me as the enemy

    So he justified making his OWN life ..apart from ME ..and our family ….a secret life…one that made HIM HAPPY .

    Thus the sin that made him feel good also made his conscience hurt ..and so he had to distance himself from ME …since it had to be ME that was bad..since he felt so “HAPPY ” in all of his sinful choices

    Thus the idea that our PURPOSE in life is to be HAPPY …leads one to disregard anything or anyone …or any guideline that makes us ‘unhappy

    IN the name of happiness he chose ungodly friendships, ungodly environments, ungodly practices, sinful behaviors….and was only ‘happy’ until his conscience came up following and the cycle began again to search for the next situation , companionship, activity that gave him that charge of ‘happiness’ he felt entitledd to .

    The happiness that comes from going through and overcoming all of life’s offerings was lost to him

    He found no pleasure in coming home …soon did not eat with us …did not arrive early enough to delight in playing with his children …did not enjoy bedtime or taking part in any form of parenting …did not accompany us in any work …or any of the prep for vacations…HE only arrived and minimally involved himself

    I don’t believe that he did not like to do any of these things in and of themselve …he had his appetite spoiled for the deep value of these things…as he was satiated with ‘happiness ‘ he derived stopping off for a glass of wine …some unwinding with his whore and of course the ‘main course’ …sex that was quick and easy ….no hassels such as foreplay were required….no concern for the woman in any real way .

    This was his ‘reason ‘ for continuing with her ..even after many years of my trying to interest him in his most important ‘need’ …sex for him with me only made him feel MORE guilty so HE chose to deny me

    I found this issue to be very instrumental in helping me learn WHY a man who has what others consider a more than average wife in terms of beauty , fitness, talent, abilities, godliness, intellect and faithfulness would go on the hunt for MORE .

    I think this is the answer…when a man marries what he considers to be the very CREAM of the crop…not trying to brag…but as one among many women who have worked hard to ‘achieve ‘ the optimum of how to be a woman that would please her husband as many women do ….learning and continuing to learn about how to please their man ….all kinds of lessons in massage , cooking , dress, fitness…most women strive to be so ..especially among those who value marriage and God.

    THESE women are struck clueless as to what is it that they did not offer husbands who have cheated.

    I think many are victims of this PURPOSE OF LIFE being HAPPINESS Syndrome …it has been FED to us …most ardently since entertainment has come to be the WHOLE purpose of our days …

    Working to support our leisure has become one of the main reasons for work it seems

    So when men have this view…and some women…and the feeling that is emptiness continues after marriage they feel the ‘right’ to continue the search ..shopping for opportunity to sin …

    Sin then only compounds the unhappiness…

    The ONLY fulfillment comes from learning from GOD who made us WHAT fulfills

    The commandments concerning life and particularly MARRIAGE are KEY

    A man will be fulfilled in his marriage IF he will OBEY GOD …and DO what GOD tells him is the MEANS to the end of fulfillment that a spouse may participate in bringing about IN HIM

    This is ALSO the way obeying GOD and learning from HIS WORD functions to bring about fulfillment

    Apart from GOD we can do NOTHING to bring about the fulfillment …which brings about happiness…or JOY in the very midst of troubles and sorrows and challenges of THIS LIFE IN THIS WORLD

    Knowing that eternity is accessed NOW …as we walk along learning and obeying what GOD tells us and reveals to us personally each one as we are INVOLVED with the WORD ourselves is truely one way we are LIBERATED from being captive to lies,…which only serve to steal , kill and destroy

    Lives spent in constant pursuit of ‘happiiness’ is a recipe for distruction …both of the person and of those they are closest to .

    To believe that our person alone will make someone happy is a deception

    What we bring of value to anyone is the truth that makes them free from the way sin controls their lives….

    At least this is one of the things I have begun to observe as my husband is still insisting that he MUST do what he does because he ‘needs’ to for his own happiness and that of the children he had in adultery ..even at the cost of harming his wife and children ..

    He does not see the connection

    God will not BLESS what is in violation of HIS WILL …which HIS WORD reveals to us …

    Marriage violated by someones choice to ‘serve others’ at the destruction of the marriage will not result in blessing upon their efforts…sadly but more destruction ..

    This is what happens when man is his own ‘god’

    1. Zaza,

      You are welcome. Although much was obvious to previous generations, truths often have to be rediscovered or re-applied in the successive generations. Solomon often mentioned how many things do not go from one generation to the next.

  2. Job 5:17 Behold, happy [is] the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty:

    Pro 3:13 Happy [is] the man [that] findeth wisdom, and the man [that] getteth understanding.

    Pro 28:14 Happy [is] the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief

  3. The beginnig of wisdom …FEAR of the LORD

    Until one cares about the possiblities of eternity …they ar most concerned with ‘getting along ‘ in this world ..and that means ‘go along’

    The peace Jesus offered was not the peace with the world ..but peace with GOD and that he told us was going to bring about conflict….

    Jhn 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

    Mat 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword

    No one follows the Lord for long before we begin to realize and experience this ….

    Mat 10:36 And a man’s foes [shall be] they of his own household.

    There is no compromise in this walk ….if you love GOD you will find opposition …and it is within as well as without

    Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind [is] enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

    The only way to reconcile is to change the MIND ..that involves taking the WORD of GOD and choosing to do what IT says even as it is opposed by our mind …our feelings and our opinions.

    To love GOD calls for us to CHOOSE HIM and what pleases HIM even if it costs us our relationships with others.

    Much of the church that claims Christ is more about pleasing flesh and getting along with the world ….it is LUKEWARM and those who are following after this mode will find themselves ‘spewed’ which shocks them…

    Mat 7:21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

    Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    Mat 7:24 ¶ Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

    This was one of the most disturbing sections of scripture that I came to SEE after years of being ‘in ministry ” …the deceiptions we fall in to or RUN into because of our need to be loved and accepted are truely deadly …awk …we MUST come to desire to SEE the truth about our ‘goodness’ so that we may be recovered out of blindness.

    We must come to desire GOD and pleasing him more than our own desire to be loved and accepted …

    This is one of the biggies that keeps people from continuing in the truth and settling for a comfortable ‘ditch’ doctrinally …argh!

    So then the scriptures in Matt 5 describe the condition of those who are prepared to follow HIM ….Poor IN SPIRIT…recognizing their NEED for salvation ,…

    IT is truth that there is no guarentee that one generation will follow after Christ but we are still instructed to train up our children ….without this foundation it is really a rough road as deception becomes the ‘norm’ and as the world ‘s “norm’ has declined more and more as people have failed to even be aware that there is anything other than this …deception has been abounding

    The ‘church ‘ has failed…and that has been deliberate as the enemy of GOD has sown TARES which have grown up over generations to lead the sheep away from study of scripture and offered humanism and limited portions of scripture …the sheep have been allowing themselves to be LED instead of ‘seeking first the kingdom of GOD ‘ as HE told us too ..

    We are all accountable for our knowledge or ignorance of the truth because HE told us HE would teach us if we would obediently seek Him and search the word …and seek to obey Him

    It is STILL the invitation.

    Parents STILL have the priviledge and responsiblity to train up their children …giving them a solid start in their lives to learn of the ‘option’ of truth before the world supplants the Words of TRUTH .

    There is no excuse for us if we ignore what God has made available to cause us to seek him …even creation itself ..and the conscience within…..Roman’s makes that point well.

    1. Zaza,

      Those are some strong Scriptural verses that often step on people’s toes. You bring up some theological issues which is not within the scope of what I typically address. Thank you for addressing it.

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