Do you think like a family?

You may not have considered whether or not you think as a family. With all the emphasis modern society places on individuals, being family and marriage oriented has become a thing of the past for many. Thinking as a family means considering what actions are needed to benefit the family as a whole. There are still some who have that way of thinking, albeit few. When men and women consider whether they are being the husband/wives (fathers/mothers) in terms of leading or raising their household/family, they make different choices. When you consider your role, you think about how your actions impact those you are responsible for. When the cheater considers only what is important for themselves, they do not consider how it impacts the family. They are thinking like an individual, rather than as a member of a family.

It does make a difference what you believe, especially when it comes to the family. When a household only consists of individuals living together, the expected behavior is to fend for yourself and your interests. When you are a family, you consider what is best for all and how to provide for the family, rather than how to buy those new shoes or new gun ahead of what the family needs.

The selfish behavior of the cheater is easily seen after the affair, even thought the thinking that lead to it began long before the affair occurred.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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2 Responses

  1. Good post Jeff…thank you …So needed for today’s upcoming generations who, many have not experienced in truth what it means to be a FAMILY by the definition of the Creator of it …what a concept …to desire to LEARN How the manufacturer meant for us to operate the “machinery” HE made!

    Hopefully this post will find it’s way into the mainstream….So many children growing up in some ‘deformity” of what family means…not just those in single parent families but in households where, as you pointed out , the adults have not learned or cared about learning what parenting involves….

    I am thankful for the examples that we DO have of people who have taken the time, effort and to heart to learn and apply what GOD has set before us to learn …People who are in the public view such as the Duggers or the others of their friends give some practical evidence that we are all able to learn from and gain a benefit in terms of family culture which in turn is a great addition to our culture …

    One person gave testimony as to WHY churches should remain in a 501C3 condition of not having to be taxed….He sited that all of the ways the Word and those who are endeavoring to live by it have influenced lives of others who would have most likely become a burden upon society other wise….

    A life changed by learning and apply truth is always beneficial to all ….These who would have been dependent …drug users, widows, marriages saved not only redeemed the productivity of the individual but by way of deliverance from ungodly and destructive situations and conditions became productive members of society and thus independent of government programs ….and interdependent upon the Lord and one another.

    Responsible living is always going to lift a life and a culture UP ….one at a time …obedience to the Lord has not only saved money but has contributed in many more ways that money ever could..

    Good exhortation …!!Way to go Jeff!

    1. Zaza,

      Thank you for the word of encouragement. We need families now more than ever. We need parents that think in terms of family, rather than “What’s in it for me?” or “What am I getting out of this?”. The more people think in terms of families, the fewer the episodes of people acting like they are single will occur.

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