How far should you go?

A question that comes up in dealing with affairs and the aftermath is that of “how far should I go?” arises. Spouses want to know how far they should go in doing things for their partner.

Sadly, some partners actually want their spouses to do things that actually contribute to affairs, and the spouses do them. Although I’m astounded at the ungodly action some spouses asks their partners to do, I am further astounded that many times the partner does them, even in Christian couples. This includes sleeping with strangers or threesomes, which don’t contribute to the harmony of your home.

Sadly, the spouse says it’s God’s will that you do those things. (This tells me that some churches are not addressing the topic of wholesome sex in their teachings. They are too involved in including people based on sexual behavior rather than studying god’s design for sexual pleasure and the how far sexual freedoms go for the marriage bed.)

The best guideline I can offer is this. When your spouse asks you to do something that is clearly ungodly then you must be willing to suffer for not doing what is wrong.

Just because someone is a Christian does not mean that their nature is holy. Although it should be, many people have Christian beliefs, although their depraved nature still wants to be satisfied by ungodly acts.

Their focus is sensual more than spiritual. They seek gratification of their fleshly lusts more than spiritual enlightenment.

I have seen this scenario more times than I would like.  In some cases, when the couple is dating, because the potential spouse is a Christian, they allow them to do things that were not proper.

Once married, the pattern continues, with the demands and behaviors becoming more extreme, and against your better judgment. You finally  give into the ungodly requests, because the spouse is a “Christian”. These things ought not be.

Robbing a bank is still a crime whether it is done by a Christian or a pagan, so likewise, some behaviors are not acceptable just because the person asking you to do it is a Christian, especially if those behaviors weaken your marriage or contribute to an affair.

Best Regards,


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