A Bad Solution

In the news this morning was an article addressing illicit affairs. http://news.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=869842007

The cleric claims that having temporary marriages prevents affairs. If you are someone who values their relationship, and abides by a commitment to Christian beliefs, this is not a solution. This does nothing to improve the relationship. Such arrangements only allow sex without guilt. Critics claim such approaches are equivalent to prostitution. The attitude behind such a solution would foster a “spirit of prostitution”. When two people join together, there should be a commitment. Joining together without a serious commitment does lead to some psychological issues. There is no commitment to the relationship or even an attempt at developing one. Such measures only incite animal passions within the relationship, and not the longer term attitudes needed to develop companionship and cooperation. Although those who practice such policy may claim they feel no guilt, they are fooling themselves. When human beings bond, it is not just for the night.  If that was the case, then those having affairs and their spouses would not be miserable.

I was also astounded to find that there are actually dating services similar to www.eharmony.com that offer partners seeking “discreet” relationships. That tells me that encouraging affairs is getting to be big business, with companies like that on one end and the lawyers and private investigators on the other end trying to break marriages up. The modern married couple in the middle, has forces pulling on them from both directions.


Jeff Murrah

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