Affairs don’t respect party lines

Extramarital affairs are not the exclusive domain of movie stars. Nor are they the exclusive domain of politicians. Although the chatter in the twitterverse about Republicans paying for the extramarital affairs of many in leadership positions seems to be a hot topic today.

The reality is that they can occur across party lines. They aren’t limited to a particular race, gender or political affiliation.

The thing about politicians is that they often believe that they are above the law. One of the laws that they often believe that they are above is the law of natural consequences.

Having an affair carries with it natural consequences. Some of those may include being ostracized, shame, being fired or being threatened. In some cases when the morals are way topsy-turvy, they may receive a promotion, job offer, land a key position or other rewards.

The world of politics is very topsy-turvy and oriented toward control games. It’s no surprise that sado-masochism is the main sexual deviation in centers of political power. The mixing up of sex with power and the arousal that each brings makes it a fit for it being popular in centers of political power.

The rewards are misleading in that eventually they turn sour. The ugly side of extramarital relations come out. When that ugly side comes out, it may be emotional, physical or spiritual in its consequences. There will be consequences for those illegitimate pleasures.

In the celebrity world, those caught up with affairs also believe that it will either not matter or that they are so big, that no moral turpitude will  impact them. Indiscretions will find find you out either directly or indirectly with the celebrity having to deal with their spouse having indiscretions.

Rather than having to be concerned about who finds out what, just say “No” to the temptations.

When it comes time for dealing with the affair, there’s a place where you can work on recovery with anonymity. At Restored Lifestyle, you can find the resources you need while maintaining your anonymity with others. You can join the site and start working on affair recovery with just a few clicks. No waiting line, no waiting list and no risk of embarrassment.

Best Regards,


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