Understanding Cheaters: Inability to see consequences

One common trait among cheaters is the inability to predict consequences. They often only think far enough into the future to get their lover into bed, but not far enough to foresee the long term consequences of their actions.

This is one of the areas where you wonder “how can this be?” The cheater seems so smart, they may even believe they are smarter than most other people. How could they have not seen what would happen?

Cheaters may be intellectually smart and socially savvy. Being smart and savvy does not mean that they have moral foresight and the self-control that comes through self-discipline. The lack of self-control and inability to foresee consequences, and in some cases, the inability to view what they did was morally wrong.

The unequal development of their abilities often leads to many problems. Like a wheel out of balance, they often have a rough journey with their unequal abilities. They learn to trust their intelligence and social skills, thinking that those area are all they need.

Some are blessed with physical attractiveness which adds to their ego, and self-deception. Although make-up and education can develop their intellectual and physical traits, it does nothing to improve their moral reasoning, or their ability to tell good from bad situations.

When you can’t foresee consequences, you loose the ability to judge whether a situation is good or bad. Without consequences, situations become judged based solely on their enjoyment.

Affairs become judged by what emotions the cheater imagines rather than the consequences of what happens.

That’s where my e-book, “Why He Cheats” comes in. It provides further understanding of the thinking of the mindset behind infidelity. It’s hard dealing with something that you don’t understand.

Best Regards,


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