Moral Commitments and Marriage

It is presumptuous to solicit divine assistance with your marriage is your moral commitments are not part of the deal. Committing yourself to a moral lifestyle is a prerequisite to a healthy marriage. Likewise a commitment to an immoral lifestyle is a down payment for the destruction of your marriage. When marriage is separated from moral commitments, it loses it power. It no longer has power to curtail the desires of wandering spouses. When morals are separated from marriage, the institution becomes one based on hedonism and good feelings alone. Once marriage becomes based on ‘good feelings’ alone then it is only logical that a cheater does what makes them happy. The addition of moral commitment to marriage is what holds the infidelity in check. It is not by accident that infidelity and immorality go hand in hand. They are two different sides of the same coin.

In order to turn your marriage around, you may want to start with putting a moral commitment back into your relationship. You need it and the cheater needs it. Although many so called ‘sophisticated’ types scoff at religion and moral commitments, often claiming that ‘religion has no authority over them,’ they do so at their own peril. For when religion has no authority, then the law of the jungle and animal passion has authority over them. What they do not realize is that the ‘law of the jungle’ is a crueler and harsher authority than religion and morals ever were. Under the law of the jungle, whoever is sexier, stronger, or has more resources is the one who makes the choices rather than what is ‘right’.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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4 Responses

  1. I see that a lot of adults treat children as if they are little adults and differ to them . The Bible tells us that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but the rod of CORRECTION will drive it far from them….Instruction is necessary in how God is worthy of respect. Training the conscience to learn that there are always consequences for sin and breaking laws…God’s and man’s ….

    Tolerance as your present article addresses is a matter of whose ‘ox is being gored’ as mom used to say …an old fashioned way to say …..when it is YOUR life being violated THEN morality matters …eh?

    We are reaping the harvest of many generations now who have not been guided to understand the way God has designed all things.

    Sad to see …God however is INTOLERANT of sin …and sent Jesus Christ to pay for ours …..glad to know this …!Thank you Lord~!

    1. Zaza,

      Well said. we are indeed dealing with the consequences of the moral choices of several generations. Each generation faces moral choices, we can choose not to fall into the hedonism of this generation. Light is always brighter when the days are darker. The unique aspects of current generations is that they have the technology and chemicals to ‘play god’ and bypass natural consequences, which often put limits on the behaviors of some generations.

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