[Affair Recovery Radio] What are the flashing warning signs?

When there are obvious signs of an affair,you need to take action.

What are the flashing warning signs? <<– listen to the audio here

Hi, this is Jeff Murrah with Affair Recovery Radio. I’m glad you’re with me today.

Today we’re going to be talking about the flashing warning signs. When you’re faced with some of these flashing warning signs like the flashing warning lights when you’re out on the road, there are some things that you cannot ignore, that you do have to take action. What I’m going to go over today are some of the obvious signs of an affair, and if you see these you need to take action. It’s not that you’re overreacting at that point, is beyond speculation. Something is definitely going on.

When you see these, you’ve got to do something. I know that you want to trust your spouse and no one wants to go around spying or sneaking around. But when these things are happening they need action now.

Some items you may want to wait until you know a little more, but these, there’s no waiting. You’ve got to do something and you’ve got to do it now.

What are these telltale signs of an affair, or what I call the flashing warning signs? Well, there’s several, and once I tell them to you they’re going to be so obvious. But a lot of times, because you want to think the best of your spouse, you don’t think to look for these. So I’m going to go over them, and this is definitely an adults oriented session today. If you have your kids listening with you you might want to have them go in the other room, because this is going to be dealing with some more serious issues.

The first is when you find semen in their underwear. This could be male or female. When you find semen you know some kind of sexual activity has been going on. There are test kits available where you can test for that, if they go out of town and come back and there’s semen, if you’re the wife and you’re doing the laundry, you’re going to be able to tell that things are not quite right.

Likewise, if you’re the husband, your wife comes home from being out of town or a long weekend or whatever, as you’re loading up the laundry, you’ll be able to tell something. I mean, it’ll jump out at you. So you need to be aware that is one of the signs.

Number two, finding unexplained undergarments in the car, the home, or the office. Some things, when you find them, there may be some other kind of explanation. If you find an earring, okay, maybe there’s another story. If you find somebody’s cell phone there may be a story behind it. But when you find undergarments, there’s no other story. It’s pretty clear-cut and plain that something’s going on. There is no guessing at that point.

The third thing is when you are a firsthand eyewitness. In other words, you catch them in the act. When you catch them in the act there’s no denying it. Something is definitely going on.

With each of these three, when you see them, they need action. They need action now. This is not something that can be delayed. These are surefire signs that it has gone on too far and there is no excuse that you’re overreacting, or things like that, that the cheater may accuse you of. That’s not the case here. Something’s going on and needs your attention.

If you act on these things it can save you a lot of grief. Of course, if it’s gotten to that point there’s definitely some issues going on in your marriage that you need to wake up to. You should have woken up to what was going on a long time before this. But these three definitely action items.

If you encounter these you need to do something right after you get off the podcast with me this evening. I wish you all the best.

This is Jeff Murrah, with Affair Recovery Radio, saying goodbye until next time.

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