Are you confusing sex with love when it comes to Affairs?

When you get sex and love confused, you’re at risk of finding yourself leaving a secure, stable marriage for a titillating, passion driven, self-focused feeding frenzy of sex. When the two get confused, cheap ‘let’s get it on’ sex is often substituted for genuine love and you are left ‘ragged out’, broke and jonesing for something that never fulfills, no matter how passionate it is.

Sure, you can blame Hollywood and popular media for planting those ideas, but taking in those thoughts and making them yours was something that you did. You fell for the lies they presented.

They confuse the two, then present “wild passionate sex” as the solution to all your problems, and you fell for it. You are the one who left a good thing for an exciting thing.

You were the one leaving what something solid for something more ‘fun’.

Returning to your marriage after a wild run, may seem like suddenly being thrown into the slow lane, where life passes at a snail’s pace, after being accustomed to the fast lane. Whether or not you can do it often depends on where your heart is and whether you are still confusing sex and love.

Confusing sex and love is a mental thing, while the location of your heart is an emotional bonding thing.

Instead of looking for what’s exciting, or stimulating, the question to ask is “Where do I belong?” “Where is my heart really at?“. The movies sell fantasies.

Let me repeat that in case you did not catch it the first time…Movies Sell Fantasies, and who is being sold is YOU! If you fall for the fantasy, you will be in bondage to that fantasy.

Now is the time to wake up and learn the difference between sex and love.

If you need help turning the situation around, the video “Help for the Cheater: Starting the Road to Recovery” guides you through the start of affair recovery.

You can turn things around. Knowing what to change makes a huge difference. Change just for the sake of change gets you nowhere. The video guides you in what areas need changing and ways of starting that change.

Just click the link, fill out the form and start making changes within minutes.

Best Regards,


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