Are you poisoning your marriage?

When you use poison on your spouse, it can make your marriage toxic.      Although you wouldn’t intentionally serve rat poison to your spouse, you may still be poisoning them with what you say.

One of the more toxic poisons is ‘sarcasm’. Sarcastic comments leave those around you feeling wounded. Although you may consider it funny, your spouse may be hurt. If everyone isn’t enjoying what you said, it’s likely cruelty.

When you hurt your spouse enough times, they grow discouraged. They give up trying.Be they husband or wife, your tongue makes them or breakes them.

If you have been poisoning them, they may view an affair as a way to have a relationship that’s poison-free. If they refer to the affair as something that makes them feel ‘alive’ again or that it makes them feel younger, you may want to consider whether you have been poisoning your relationship.

I know that you may not have meant what you said in a malicious way. You may not even realize how much it hurts others since you may have grown up in a home where unkind words and sarcasm were a way of life.

Although you developed a resistance to these relationship toxins, your spouse has not. You may be inflicting on them the hurt that you experienced growing up.

Besides sarcasm, things like unkind words, name calling and snarky remarks all have some potent toxins in them.  Your spouse has a sensitivity to you.

Your words will sink in deeper and do more damage than anyone else’s. The power of intimacy amplifies anything you say to them, be it encouraging or discouraging.

What is between your lips has more influence on your day to day marriage relationship that what is between your legs.  Your words draw your spouse closer or drive them away.

Given the importance of your words, knowing how to improve your marriage would be a good thing. It’s not just a matter of a few encouraging words though. The “30 Days to a Better Marriage” program guides you through what you need that improves your marriage.

You no longer have to settle for something that’s filled with poison. You can have a healthy, vibrant marriage that BOTH of you enjoy. Just click the link, fill out the form and start making the change that both of you want.

Best Regards,



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