Lysistrata and Your Marriage

If your marriage was a television show, what type of show would it be? Would it be a comedy, a drama or an action thriller? Although I’d never considered what type of television show my marriage would be, when I read the news these days, the question makes more sense than ever.

One story that caught my mind concerned couples breaking up over political differences. On reading it, I felt like I was surrounding by a production of the Greek comedy, Lysistrata.

In that comedy, all the women of the local community are encouraged by a local rabble rouser to cut off sexual relations with their husbands until there are major changes in the governmental policies.

Although the play was meant as a comedy, the news story about how politics are more important than marriage, has turned the dusty old Greek play into a tragedy.

It makes me wonder how many perfectly good marriages are being ruined because someone is pushing a political agenda in the news?  If couples are breaking up over politics, it wouldn’t take much for one of them to have an affair. Cheaters are always looking for excuses for an affair. Politics make for convenient excuses.

The center of your marriage life should be in your home and not shaped by decisions made in Washington D.C., Paris, or Atlanta. If the events in those cities impact your marriage MORE than what happens in your own home, your priorities are out of balance.

You made your marriage vows to your spouse, not to a political party or a cause. Although the politics has its own excitement, it’s a lame excuse to leave your spouse or have an affair over.  I’ve mentioned in my blog about reasons why a person leaves a good lover, and politics is NOT one of them.

Affairs are a sign that your marriage needs help. Trust issues are a sign that your marriage needs help. Letting your marriage break-up over politics is a sign that your marriage needs help and that your politics have become more important than your spouse.

Ok enough about politics! A lot of people are twitchy about politics and the economy. (And who can blame them?) They will still be here tomorrow, but your marriage may not.

I believe the relationship that needs your attention is your marriage. I also believe your marriage relationship is MORE important than politics.

That’s why I created the video “How Can I Trust You Again?” It will help the two of you get your priorities back to where they need to be and improve your own marriage.

Best Regards,


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