Mastering the Basics of Affair Trauma

The other day, I received an email from a reader who claimed that they learned ‘nothing new’ from the material in the Affair Trauma video. I was glad hearing from her.

She raised a point that some of you may be struggling with. In the aftermath of an affair there is a hunger for more information.

In your desire for leaning something new, are you taking care of the basics?  In always looking for new information, you may have forgotten doing the simple basic things needed in affair recovery.

When my youngest son played football, his coach was a two-time Superbowl veteran named Bruce. He drilled the players, like other coaches with a few differences.

One of those differences was mastery of the basics. He knew that mastering basic skills is  critical in winning games more than fancy sophisticated plays.

He knew that when you master the basics, you are not only training your body, you’re training your mind. You are also improving your speed in executing basic moves.

Sure, he knew fancy plays, yet knew from experience that master of the basics of such things as footwork and knowing how to get up won games. Super Bowls are won one game at a time and each game is won by mastering the basics.

When facing a trauma, mastering the simple things is key in getting past them. Simple things like getting out of bed, getting exercise and breathing correctly go a long way.

If you are looking for fancy plays and interventions before you’ve mastered the basics, you’re asking for more heartache.

If you and your spouse had mastered the basics, and done so consistently, the risk of an affair would be minimal. It’s when you and your spouse forget the basics and take each other for granted that the door opens to affairs.

The video “Overcoming Affair Trauma” guides you in dealing with the basics you need in facing the trauma ahead of you. The material is designed so that you can practice it over and over so that you have mastery of the basic skills needed in overcoming affair trauma.

Best Regards,



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