Are You Dealing with Wedding Crushers?

What are your thoughts on wedding crashers? In my mind there are the welcome ones and the unwelcome ones.

The welcomed ones share your the joy of the wedding with you. They add to the party in beneficial ways. There something about spreading joy where the more you share with others, the more you have.

The unwelcomed wedding crashers bring misery rather than joy. They invade your marriage and do all in their power to split the two of you.

For the unwelcomed wedding crasher, an affair is nothing more than another tool for splitting the two of you. They have many tools in their skill set all which are designed for trouble.

For simplicity let’s call this type a crusher. They seek the destruction of your joy. A crusher uses lies, spreads false stories and seduction for negative purposes.

It actually hurts them to see you happy. They are another one of the villainous threats to your marriage.

Along with creepers, homewreckers, poachers and the other villains mentioned in previous posts and emails, they are always lurking for marriages like yours.

The crusher hides their true intentions. They appear as a well wisher.

You know you’ve encountered a crusher when you feel your heart crushed within you. There’s a heaviness and pressure across your chest and you have trouble breathing.

When you experience such symptoms, you’ve been the victim of a wedding crusher. They like stomping on your heart and emotions.

Crushers are typically old flames, crushes, exes and people who don’t want your marriage to survive. Crushers are driven by an agenda.

If they can’t have what they want, they resort to a scorched earth policy.

They begin as people from either your past or your spouse’s. Somewhere along the way, they get infected with bitterness to the degree. Their bitterness takes them over.

Since they are from the past, they play on old feelings in gaining access to your marriage. This also makes them harder to identify before they do their damage.

If your marriage has been hit by crushers, getting some support will go a long way in helping you past it. In the support community at Restored Lifestyle, you can share your experience and learn from others.

Best Regards,


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