Do you know lust when you see it?

It amazes me where I find insights and truths on subjects related to affairs. While modern thinkers and media promote and glamorize affairs, older thinkers saw through the shiny deceptions.

At times those old thinkers paid a price when they were too outspoken for their times and communities. One that came to my attention was Vasily Mikhaylovich Drozdov. Vasily was a Russian thinker from the 19th century.

In his life, he became a minister rising to high ranks in his church although his views on some matters were disapproved of. At one point, he was restricted to only travel and speak in his own diocese by the imperial authorities.

It’s one thing when the locals don’t like what you say, it’s more serious when the czar and his government don’t like what you say.

When it came to understanding lust, he had some fascinating insights.

Lust is, as it were desire, and desire will which extends beyond the natural will, passionate, not governed by the law and moderation. There are many forms of lust, like the many forms of sin…Lust does not approach the soul in the form of a warlike enemy, but in the form of a friend or a pleasant servant. It suggests some sort of pleasure or illusory good. But this is only a trick by which the malicious angler strives to lead astray and catch the poor soul. Remember this when you are tempted by lust.

He understood that lust operates outside of law, decency and any sense of moderation. In other words, lust doesn’t play by anyone else’s rules.

It’s not going to be logical, it’s not going to follow the rules or respect boundaries. It demands immediate satisfaction.

Lust also hides it’s true nature. It sells itself as something good, or that the person deserves. All the while Lust plays up the benefits of giving in rather than the consequences.

If lust showed its true nature and consequences, it wouldn’t be so tempting.

Speaking out about the dangers of lust also had consequences when the leader of your nation slept around with uncountable women as if were recreational.

Although the days of Vasily are gone, the problem of lust remains. This is a huge offender when it comes to affair relapse. If you don’t recognize lust when it surrounds you or your spouse, a relapse is only a matter of time.

Yes, I said you or your spouse. Lust is contagious. If you don’t stop it early, both of you will suffer the consequences for giving into it.

Lust has ways of impacting you even when you don’t give into it. Once aroused, it changes you biochemically.

This is why you need to see the dangers before giving into the temptations. There’s a good reason why the Bible admonishes its readers to flee from lust.

Many cheaters have not seriously considered the dangers of lust which not only got them in trouble, it pulls them back into it.

In the support community at Restored Lifestyle you can learn more about affair relapse and ways of preventing the tricky threats of lust.  In today’s post, I covered some off the dangers signs of lust, warning you when things are going in the wrong direction. When you know the early warning signs, you can take action before its too late.

Keeping It Real,



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