The Wall of Affair fatigue

During these hot days at the end of summer there are times I reflect back on the days when that fatigue of sports wore on me. It was at the end of summer that I participated in what was known as “two-a-days”.

Every morning and afternoon, I went back to the school for summer workouts in the heat. With the sweat, heat and muscle strain, it was a grueling time.

I learned the importance of pushing myself and was surprised at what I was really capable of.

I’d get worn out in the morning to the point where I felt drained. Then after a brief rest be back for more to the point I was puking and wobbly from the heat.

Football was fun, yet these were times the fatigue of working out and the heat got the best of me. I started wondering if going through all this was worth it.

There are times when you’ll face the question of whether “it’s worth it” when you encounter ‘affair fatigue’.

“Affair fatigue” occurs when you are way outside of your limits. Your body and mind can’t take anymore.

Your ability to calm yourself down and bounce back is exhausted. You feel like you hit a physical wall.

It’s not a figment of your imagination. It’s a wall so real to you, that it can be perceived and touched.

That wall that you just slammed into is ‘affair fatigue’.  Prior to this point, the fatigue showed up as resistance, now it’s a full-fledged wall.

You’re in front of a wall and have no energy to climb it.  There are no fun and games at this point.

At this point, you’ve got to be honest with yourself about what you’re going to do. Do you go on or give up?

If you want to go on, you’ll need some help. One form of help is from the encouragement of others. It’s like they lend you their energy so that you can break through the wall.

Much like a trainer encourages you in reaching your capability, encouragement makes a difference

At the Restored Lifestyle support community, you can find the steps to take along with encouragement and more.  You can know the strength of such support.

You can know what to do and develop a clear plan for making it through the affair, even if it happened years ago.

Keeping It Real,



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