Guarding against pests and threats to your marriage.

After mentioning the problems I experienced in keeping the squirrels and birds from my peaches, my father in law told me about an owl product that scares them away. I went to the website featuring the plastic raptor and its many features.

The plastic owl uses all the sensory pathways in chasing away the threats from my garden. It works day and night in all kinds of weather. It does a better job of owling than a real owl does.

At this point, I’m considering purchasing one of those plastic raptors. Since I can’t be in the garden around the clock, it sure can.

After viewing the promotional material, I thought about if such a product existed in protecting your spouse from affair threats. Something like that would chase off the creepers, lurkers, poachers, seducers and stray love addicts.

Although a wedding ring is supposed to keep them away. Wedding rings don’t have red flashing eyes or sonic blasts to keep the determined poachers at bay.

It’s a product that you would need to work under any kind of lighting and any kind of condition. It would need to use all the sensory pathways along with psychic sonic waves in keeping all the threats at bay.

Although it would be nice to counter all the threats to your marriage, I’m sure that there are more threats than you ever imagined. If you chased off every threat, it would be a full time job.

While you’re chasing one off with threats, another one creeps in while you’re distracted. Once you chase that one off, another invasion comes in from some undisclosed location through the internet.

Rather than spending your time chasing away the threats, what you can do is strengthen the marriage you do have. This is one area where investing by improving does more good than always being leery of new neighbors, friends, etc. with a defensive mindset.

In the “30 Days to a Better Marriage” program, you’ll learn ways of improving the relationship you have. Each day during the program, you’ll discover new hacks and actions that make your marriage more resistant to the threats lurking out there.

There are things you can do that strengthen your marriage that help protect it from the dangers out there.

Keeping It Real,


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