Removing Obstacles in your relationship

Although I’ve mentioned that the year is coming to a close once before, I thought I would do so again. The reason for doing so is that the start of a new year brings a sense of renewal and change. I want your marriage to improve in 2022. You had many opportunities in 2021, but likely didn’t use them.

I want you and your marriage to be better. I really want it to be the best, yet if it gets better, I’d be happy with that.

With that said, here are some resolutions you can make to improve your marriage in 2022. These are not types of things that need improvement or changes.

In order to make it better, I want to challenge you to remove one obstacle keeping you from having the intimacy that you want in your marriage. Now is a good time to work on such issues. You have a few hours before the new year and removing that obstacle could help your marriage be in better shape for the new year.


The obstacle I mentioned is sometimes called a barrier. However, not every marital barrier has an easy fix. Some take weeks of therapy and even then it still might be hard to “fix” the problem.

It’s okay if it is a small thing. Even small things bring big changes over time.

It may be bringing up some topic you’ve been avoiding. It could be initiating touching with your spouse. It could be you reaching out to them with a phone call when they didn’t expect it. What matters is that you take a risk with the intention of improving intimacy.

Getting closer to your spouse takes effort. The efforts to improve intimacy always pay dividends. It doesn’t matter if it is your significant other, your kids or even your parents. We all feel better when we are close to people that like us.

They may be slow in arriving, but it will pay off. I want my relationship with my wife to be the closest it can be. I have worked at keeping the closeness with my wife, Peggy. At times it has meant some awkward moments and being vulnerable. Even those moments have paid off.

You may call it being ‘real’ or being genuine. What it amounts to is allowing them to see your heart and allowing them to see your heart.

Think of some way you can get closer to them or allow them to get closer to you. Since intimacy is about getting closer, removing any obstacle that prevents closeness also brings the two of you closer.

If you chose going for the best rather than just better, it may take a few days and a few tries at taking risks. That’s okay. Some things take time to work up the nerve to try.

If you’re looking for some specific ideas of ways to improve your marriage relationship, the “30 Days to a Better Marriage” is the product that will help you achieve that.

Keeping It Real,



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