Recognizing Evil when you see it

Evil rarely shows its true colors. If you saw evil in its true colors, you’d steer clear of it.

If instead of seeing a lover who appreciates you, makes you feel good, and provides great sex, you saw an evil person bent on destroying your marriage, family, and mental health, you’d make different choices. You didn’t recognize evil when you saw it.

The same is true with evil in the form of abusive cults.

Cult members are trained to claim they are loving, kind, and their group has all the answers. They may appear perfectly normal; yet it’s all a mask hiding something nefarious.

In a similar vein, the evil of affairs hides the true impact. Instead of seeing the destructive outcome or threats, you saw gratification of your desires. As long as you look at desires instead of outcomes, you’re not going to see evil when it’s right in front of you.

An evil man or woman hides their true intentions. They sell you on their good intentions rather than letting you see the destruction they bring with them.

When you’re distracted by sex and affection, you don’t see the many ways they are poisoning you. When you’re enchanted, you only see the benefits of the affair rather than where it’s going to end up. You enjoy their companionship and are blind to the destruction that they bring.

When you’re in a relationship where things have to be hidden, it should have warned you. When you have to keep your emails and time with each other from prying eyes, you’re dancing with evil.

You weren’t in love with your affair partner, you were “in love” with the fantasy and secrecy of the relationship.

An evil man doesn’t let you see their true intentions for long. Their intent is to destroy you and anyone else who gets in their way, including other family members and friends that could expose them to consequences.


The longer you dance with evil, the more control it has over you. Each time you give into it, evil has a little more control over you and your thinking. I’m amazed at how many cheaters view their lovers in a favorable light. They see them as ‘good people’ instead of the ravenous evil monster that constantly wants more of their life, money and soul.

When the evil relationship takes over, you protect it and nurture it. By that time, you’re so twisted around you don’t realize what you’re nurturing. Instead of taking care of your own marriage, you instead focus your affections on what will destroy your marriage.

Recovery from the affair requires you recognize the evil when you see it. Making excuses for evil only allows it to continue growing.

If you don’t see the affair as ‘evil’, you’re still caught up in its blinding spell. Be honest with yourself about the relationship and your own marriage. Evil is still evil, no matter how attractively it hides its true nature.

In the video, “Help for the Cheater: Starting the Road to Recovery“, I share with you ways to start changing how you deal with the affair and the challenges ahead. Start escaping the evil today.

Click and download your copy today. In minutes you can start making life-changing choices to heal..

Keeping It Real,



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