All men are not created equal when it comes to Affairs

The world of infidelity is not a level playing field. Some people are more at risk than others for having an affair, and some affairs cause greater damage to the marriage itself or between partners in general. You may be wondering if it’s fair that you’re judged guilty simply because your partner has cheated before, but this doesn’t mean you could compare your relationship with someone else so easily either- after all, there will always be different factors leading up to their betrayal as well. It’s not an apple to oranges comparison, but it’s important to remember that both partners are human and make mistakes. What makes someone more likely to cheat?

There are a few different things that can make someone more likely to cheat on their partner. For example, people who have cheated in the past are more likely to do it again.

You might think that you already know everything about what could ruin your marriage. But, have you considered the possibility of cheating? If either partner in a relationship has had an affair before, it is more likely to happen again because there are underlying issues that haven’t been addressed or resolved yet.

A person’s childhood trauma can also affect their future behaviors and relationships with others by shaping who they become as adults- this includes how healthy their relationship will be on average. This doesn’t just pertain to things such as physical abuse but any kind of emotional neglect experienced growing up – even if not deliberately done so maliciously!

While these factors can make a difference considering the risk factor for divorce rates among couples today, other important aspects include whether they abuse alcohol and drugs and history of being traumatized.

One of the most frustrating aspects about marriage is that it’s different for every couple. No two are exactly alike and they all have their own unique set of factors to work through in order to keep them together. This means there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer when dealing with affairs, because not even selfishness accounts for all cases!

The more you know about what has been going on your relationship before an affair occurred, the better off you’ll be after things come out into the open so take some time now if this problem hasn’t already happened yet or start doing action steps right away in preventing another occurrence from becoming habitual again.

The fear of affair is so real for those who have experienced it that they need to take action and make sure the same situation does not occur. You can change your marriage’s course by recovering from an affair, as well as reducing the risk of them coming back into a relationship with someone other than their significant other.

Stopping recovery before all work has been done leaves one vulnerable to more relationship issues in his or her life without ever knowing what might happen next. In my training series “Affair Recovery Workshop,” I address how individuals can do this process on their own by telling you what steps are necessary along both giving advice on how to follow these steps.

Taking action now starts your marriage going in a different direction. Rather than keep doing the same song and dance over and over, change what you’re doing. Click and download the workshop today.


Keeping It Real,



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