Obsessive Thoughts and Affairs

Wow, this is my 1,000th post to the blog. It has been an amazing time. The number of people helped has astounded me.

I wanted to let you know that in the Affair Recovery Group, we will be addressing the issue of obsessive thinking. Obsessive thinking is a big part of affairs. It also impacts both the cheater and yourself. Both face the challenges associated with obsessive thinking. Those challenges consists of understanding what obsessive thinking is, when does it go too far and what you can do about it. With an issue like obsessive thinking it is going to take several sessions to cover the way it needs to be addressed.

There are differences between healthy obsessions and unhealthy obsessions. You can learn how to tell when your obsessing goes ‘over the edge’. Rather than beat yourself up over the obsessive thoughts, and wonder if yours is ‘normal’. You can know how much of the obsession are reactions to the stress of the affair and when the obsessions turns unhealthy.

Obsessions are often in the mind of the cheater even before the affair occurs, while obsessions are often in the mind of the betrayed spouse long after the affair happened. Each deals with the obsessions differently. One to work up their nerve for the affair, the other to work up their courage to make changes to restore the marriage relationship.

I hope that you join us tomorrow for this first in a series of sessions addressing obsessions and affairs.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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