“You are so unenlightened!”

When dealing with your cheating spouse, you hear new takes on old sins. One of the new approaches is for the cheater to view their actions as a result of ‘enlightenment’. When they take this approach, they may label your views as ‘medieval’ or use some reference to past time periods with the dark ages and the stone age as favorites. When taking this approach, they are assuming the moral high ground. They actually view themselves as ‘more enlightened’ than you are. With that enlightenment comes new revelations regarding sexual behavior and relationships. Since you want to hold onto those ‘old-fashioned’ ideas about monogamy, you will be treated as an archeological relic in their mind. They may even want you to get ‘with it’ and have an ‘open marriage’. What they call open marriage with all the associated new age sound to it is nothing more than the old ‘sham marriage’ with a new window dressing.

I refer to the infidelity as a new take on old sins, based on the long history of infidelity. Infidelity and its ugly sibling, swinging are old. This latest scam of associating adultery with ‘enlightenment’ or ‘progressive’ while viewing traditional morals as ‘archaic’ is just the latest attempt to justify sleeping around.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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2 Responses

  1. Well we know that today’s adultery is “old news’ ….not ‘trendy ‘ or ‘cutting edge’ , but considering the way ‘history ‘ is taught …ahem ….no wonder people who cheat believe they have an ‘inside’ on what is ‘cool’

    The LORD actually points out that those who commit adultery” LACK UNDERSTANDING ” among other things

    Another evidence of the way sexual sin in particular causes people to lose their ability to think straight or as Roman’s puts it …they end up with a “REPROBATE ” mind…that is a ‘mind devoid’ of wisdom or the ability to make sound judgments….

    This could give new meaning to the phrase “DUI” !

  2. Zaza,

    I agree, adultery is “old news”, yet many so-called progressive thinking people continue the practice. As you well know, there are many in circles of power and money who view adultery as ‘common place’ and expected. It is as if the practice was considered a right of passage for those who want to enter their ranks. From their perches, they consider those who do not indulge as being ‘unenlightened’, ‘too uptight’ or ‘too restrictive’.

    Those trapped in that world often find themselves hurting and seeking ways out of the cage they are in. I want to let them know that there is hope, there is a way of escape. Despite all the messages they are given that keeps them powerless, they can break free. Part of what you refer to as the reprobate mind often falls for the lies and they live in fear an desperation.

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