Memories and Engrams

Many of you would like to forget some of the events from your past. Although the memories can weaken over time or in some cases diminish entirely, that is not the case with engrams. The engrams are the chemical wiring that takes place in your brain with each experience we have. The engrams wire our brain and shape the flow and direction of the brains activities. The connections formed stay with us throughout our lives. Chemicals and medications can mask, but not eliminate those connections. What this means is that affairs are forever. Long after the relationship ends, the connections formed in the brain remain active and continue influencing and shaping your thinking. Cheaters often find themselves drawn to certain people and situations claiming not to know why. They may not consciously be aware of how the engrams are continuing to shape their thinking. Old girlfriends or former lovers may continue shaping their thinking. They may not connect with their old flames, yet the lover may have many similarities to the old flame. The connection or ‘magic’ they claim to feel may be nothing more than old programming that has been reactivated.

This means that you need to know what the cheater’s triggers are, which old relationship can provide clues about. Yes, the old relationships are over, yet their influence stays around a long time. You need to be aware of the power of these influences. When your marriage is healthy, they do not pose a threat. During times of stress or things being unsettled, you and the cheater are each more vulnerable to the influence of these forces which had been lying dormant.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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