Affair Warning Labels

If you travel to Europe, you will discover that there is a big difference in how health problems are addressed. In

Europe, there are graphic warning labels on many of their tobacco products. The warning labels have photos of various cancerous growths and ill health concerns that you are at risk for. One of their favorite topics is that of throat cancers.

I recalled those images while recently attending a presentation by Patrick Carnes on Sexual Addiction. One of the items he mentioned was that researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center began making some startling discoveries that are causing them to rethink throat cancers.

The surprising finding was that the STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) HPV (Human papillomavirus) is the leading cause of throat cancer. Let that sink in. A STD causes more throat cancer than tobacco or alcohol. This is counter-intuitive from what we, as the public have been led to believe.

If you are like me, you have seen those graphic warning labels on tobacco products, warning of throat cancers, while the bigger threat and larger cause of throat cancer is never mentioned. That threat lies with the multiple partner, sleep around slut or slut chaser.  It also means that using oral sex as a way of avoiding STD’s may actually be more dangerous to your health.

This also may explain why the CDC seemingly ignores HPV vaccine reactions. They want the HPV problem reduced. If they can reduce it through vaccines, then they will not have to say anything about your sexual behaviors. Rather than inconvenience the public with warnings and the truth about what is going on with HPV-throat cancer and oral sex, they would rather risk public outcry from a number of vaccine reactions among healthy persons. Warning the public about the risks of oral sex and the HPV-throat cancer link may get too many politically influential and wealthy people upset.

You also have to consider what this means regarding affairs. The lover may be exposing your spouse to health risks you never considered. The throat cancer or irritation they have been complaining about may not be due to smoking or drinking at all. There may be a culprit you never considered, and they never considered…an affair.

Although the tobacco products in Europe have graphic warning labels, cheaters and their potential lovers do not. You may find things very different if loose men and women had warning labels on them. I suspect that cheaters would ignore the warning labels though. No matter how graphic, it would not convince some cheaters of the dangers ahead. They already know about the risk of AIDS, Herpes and other STD’s, yet remain undeterred.

There are various reasons for this which I cover in the e-book, “Why He Cheats” if you want more information.

Imagine if all the advertising and public service consortium’s did PSA (Public Service Announcements) on the true amount of danger in affairs and the health risks involved.  Although there have been organized campaigns to remove images of people smoking from television and many movies, there have not been similar organized campaigns against infidelity.

The best response to affair temptations is to ‘run away’.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah





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