What difference does it make when it comes to Affairs?

There are times you may encounter people posing the question, “What difference does it make when it comes to affairs?” You may even find yourself asking the question.

When such a question occurs, if you don’t have an answer, it is tantamount to approving the affair and all that goes with it.

It would be one thing if it was an affair by itself. Typically affairs happen in tandem with other loss of self-control behaviors. This includes gambling, drinking, angry outbursts, etc.

Affairs matter for many reasons.

One is that an affair weakens boundaries. The boundaries that once existed around your marriage, your family, your emotions and self-control are all weakened as a result of tolerating an affair. Weakened boundaries mean greater risk of them being violated.

One affair increases the chances of a second affair.

Affairs damage your moral position. You may not have thought about your moral position, yet when it comes time to take stands on issues, if you have no moral position or damaged moral integrity, you loose authority, especially on issues emphasizing morality.

It’s hard saying something is right or wrong along with taking stands when you don’t have a strong moral position. One way people compensate for this is compartmentalizing their lives. They hope that in compartmentalizing, they can still retain some moral position.

Affairs set a bad example. Whether you like it or not, your actions influence others. Your influence also exists long after you’re gone. Future generations are shaped by your actions. Tolerating infidelity has a ripple effect across generations. What one generation tolerates sends a message.

The message sent impacts future views of marriage and of male-female relationships. One major problem with the thinking of cheaters is that they don’t consider the long-term impact of their actions on others.

They instead view the affair through a narcissistic lens where they only consider the impact on them and possibly their lover.

Affairs also matter in terms of your health. Affairs increase the risk of exposure to STD’s. Like it or not, STD’s continue spreading and infecting 13 million people each year in the United States alone.

Right now, the US population is 321.4 million. The 13 million is 4% of the population. With the STD spread, it means that the 4% becomes 8%, becomes 12% becomes 16%. So in 2.5 years, you are looking at a 10% chance of catching with, with the numbers increasing.

The cost of dealing with the STD’s is now in excess of 10 Billion dollars ($10,000,000,000.).  This means that affairs touch your health and your pocket book.

The risk is also rising with increasing numbers of immigrants and decreased use of health screenings for STD’s for those immigrants. This means there are ever increasing numbers of people with STD’s that could infect you by means of an affair.

Affairs do matter. Taking a stand against them and refusing tolerating them in your marriage are important.

Assuming the mindset that “Everyone does it” or “What difference does it make?” only allows the problem to continue spreading along with doing greater damage to your marriage.

When you decide that affairs matter and want to take a stand, we have resources for you.

Best Regards,


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One Response

  1. Many people may not have an answer for this

    According to the Bible and life experience ….sin damages and destroys even if a person does not define his thoughts and actions as “sin”

    Learning what God defines as “sin” and why it is damaging comes through accepting that God IS and hat we can know Him and what He thinks of all things we encounter within ourselves and out side ourselves

    The Biblee also exposes that man fell by disobedience which was an INFORMED choice…and that since that time we have had need of a Saviour from the eventual judgement upon anyone as to what choice they have made in the face of a need of a Savioir in order to stand “justified” before the Holy God who in His love and compassion has patiently waited for each person’s response to the offer of the Savioir He Himself provided

    The enemy of our souls has worked over the ages since he stole by deceit the jurisdiction of steward of the earth…..satan …the price of the power of the air…who still works in and among the “children of disobedience” to their own hurt and harm …possibly until they die without having repented ..aka changed their minds about who Jesus Christ is and received with meekness the engraphed word which is able to save their soul

    The soul is eternal…the flesh body born fallen does not..it has a life span…..after which salvation is too late

    Does adultery matter ….it certainly can snare a person mentally and by emotion and lust to ignore the conscience long enough to miss the window of opportunity to seek the Saviour because it “feels good” as long as it’s useful to destroy as many people as the devil can while it goes on ….sometimes Tim death of the adulterer unrepentant

    Souls lost who are offended and tiurned away because they see more “benefits” to this sin in particular than stopping and it also can damage weaker individuals who trusted those who engage in it but have not understood the warfare we have spiritually which works to deny the the delivering power of faith in Jesus Christ

    Believers must become “armed” with the knowledge of Gods word RIGHTLY DIVIDED…as we see stealth attacks ongoing since Eden against the accurate and right application of Gods Word and its disasterous effects in the unlearned or those who do not like to retain the knowledge of God in their thinking (Romans 1)

    Today many “gods” are claimed which accept sin and even promote it…not unlike the religions of the pagans recorded throughout history and exposed by Gods Word as ineffective against the destruction brought upon those who practice such as it appeals to their comfort in sin

    God is not altered …He is the same yesterday ..today and forever

    He is not surprised but has provided a way of escape from entanglements of sin

    He has informed there is a limited time for anyone to receive Salvation by way of hearing the Gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross ALONE and He is risen indeed

    Seek Him while He may yet be found

    Forsake sin and live in Him today!

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