Dealing with your ‘time to waste’ during Affair Recovery

How do you deal with your time to waste during affair recovery? Do you spend it drinking, watching TV or even chasing after phantom pain and threats?

Another possible use of your time to waste is obsessing about how the other woman is sexier than you or better looking than you or weighs less than you. That can take up a large number of wasteful hours.

You can even go to doctors seeking prescriptions to help you sleep, boost your energy or help you block out what happened. You may even see a counselor where you spend your time talking about the problems the affair caused and who’s to blame instead of getting to the root problems of the affair.

Instead of using your time to waste on these activities, consider instead using your time in making changes that make a difference. When you use your time making meaningful changes, you start restoring your life and sanity sooner.

The place where change is needed is the betrayer’s brain. All your obsessing and distractions keep you from dealing with where the root problems lie.

It’s inside their brain where the affair was fantasized about, planned, and covered up. This is where the choice was made as to who to have the affair with, what to do and so much more.

The betrayers brain is also where the affair relationship made its first changes. The affair rewired their brain.

Until you undo the damage done to their thinking and heal their brain, the steps you take will only produce limited results. Fortunately, researchers have uncovered ways of changing brains.

There are things you can do that bring their brain back to healthier functioning. Much like the affair changes their brain, there are techniques you can use that also bring changes as well.

When you pull the plug on the affair in their head, you make significant progress in recovering from the affair. Instead of achieving only a temporary halt to the affair, you short-circuit their affair brain and how it operates.

Your spouse isn’t your enemy, although their affair brain is your enemy. There are techniques I want to tell you about that help you reduce the power of the affair brain.

I want to tell you about a unique report package I’ve assembled to help you make a real impact in affair recovery. The report package I call “The Brain Hack Pack”.

Inside is a report on how affairs change the cheater’s brain. When you understand how the change happened, you’re better equipped for making healthy choices.

The second report covers brain hacks you can use in dealing with those changes. There are techniques you can use that diminish the power the affair brain has.

Changing their thinking about the affair is critical for recovering from what happened. When you change their thinking, you end up changing their behavior as well.

Instead of letting the affair dominate their thinking, you can change what part of their brain they listen to.

Order your copy of this important report today and start making better use of the time you spend recovering from the affair.

Keeping It Real,




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