“Was it something I ate?”

In a previous post I addressed the question about whether or not spouses who cheat were stupid. They may be very intelligent, yet for some reason, they make bad choices when it comes to affairs.

Although you know that bad choices were made, a question that continues raising concern is what’s behind those bad choices. It’s true that they made the choice, yet I wonder if their brains were functioning correctly.

Consider the question of “What if the cheater’s brain is broken in some way?” It doesn’t change the fact that they cheated, but it does change the cause of their bad choices.

A study on aspartame surprised researchers and may surprise you as well. In that study, researchers found that aspartame (which is found in many sugar free products) actually depletes some other important brain chemicals. Among those brain chemicals depleted were Serotonin, GABA and dopamine.

Let’s consider these results mean for you and affairs.

To keep things simple, let’s just consider one of those brain chemicals, serotonin. Keep in mind that serotonin levels impact mood and sexual drive. So when aspartame messes with serotonin, it’s literally changing someone’s mood stability and sexual drives.

If you had a steady diet that includes aspartame, your nervous system is being rewired in ways you never imagined. Your brain no longer works like it’s supposed to.

So when the pressures and temptation of an affair come along, your brain won’t handle it like it was designed to do. So literally if the cheater knows they aren’t thinking straight and they wonder “Was it something I ate?” The answer would be yes.

The study shows that something seemingly mundane like aspartame impacts your brain and its functioning.

Before you dismiss this, bear in mind that in Jewish dietary laws, some foods were prohibited with the explained reasoning being that they aroused excess passions.

The brain is a powerful force when it comes to affairs and recovery from them.

This means that in recovering from the affair, you need to consider the brain of the cheater and ways of getting it back to healthy functioning, including things like diet.

This is where the Affair Recovery Workshop comes in. In the workshop, I address brain function along with interventions designed for hacking your spouse’s thinking so that the two of you can get it back to healthy functioning.


The affair was more than just bad choices. There was bad thinking. This means recovery involves changing what contributed to the unhealthy thinking, which includes diet.

Keeping It Real,


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