The Ups and Downs of Tolerating Celebrity Affairs

The strongest negative reactions to my blog posts happen when I dare discuss sports celebrities and their infidelities. There’s something about sports celebrities that have many of you turn a blind eye toward their cheating.

Tolerating cheating, even from sports figures such as Mohammed Ali and Kobi Bryant amounts to being tolerant of infidelity. When you tolerate celebrity affairs you send the message that if you are an accomplished celebrity, affairs are okay.

Somehow when an athlete reaches celebrity status, they become a role model for youth, no matter what immorality they practice. They will be admired and copied.

Although each of the celebrities I mentioned had their share of affairs, daring to point out those items triggered some readers, which I suspect were actually trolls since they weren’t regular readers. Daring to speak out about a popular celebrities wickedness led to me catching a lot of flack.

Take Mohammed Ali for instance. He vigorously refused to apologize for his affairs. If your spouse refused apologizing, you’d be raising hell with them. Things would be worse if they vigorously refused.

He was an outstanding athlete, yet his role modeling when it comes to marital fidelity was less than stellar. Many athletes reach the point where their athletic performance is the highest priority in their lives, even greater than their marriage.

I didn’t see similar reactions when pointing out adultery from entertainment celebrities. It’s as if adultery with entertainers and actors is taken in stride. No one takes offense at their cheating.

Excusing the affair if they’re getting help is one thing. Many of the celebrity types are unrepentant and brazen in their infidelities.

If cheating is bad, it’s bad no matter who does it. Excusing it because someone is popular or talented is a twisted double-standard.

Not only is there a gender double-standard when it comes to infidelity, there’s also a vocational double-standard as well along with a celebrity status double-standard. If you’re seeking a full turnaround when it comes to infidelity, these double-standards become roadblocks.

Turning your marriage around involves shifting your priorities. It also involves hating infidelity, even when your favorite performer, politician or sports celebrity indulges in it.

The need for brutal honesty is essential for making progress in affair recovery. It also means being honest in your discussions about celebrity athletes and their cheating. Although Ali didn’t cheat in the ring, he cheated in the bedroom.

In the video, “Overcoming the Affair Crisis”, I address the need for being honest with yourself and your spouse about what happened. Without honesty in that area, the two of you won’t progress very far in recovering from what happened.

Instead of dancing around the topics, now is the time to download the video and learn ways of dealing with it directly. It will help you and your spouse.

Click and download today.

Keeping It Real,


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