Why your facebook friends are wrong about affairs

Facebook and social media influence your thinking and decision making. Given that they have such a powerful influence, have you considered that they are wrong?

If your facebook friends are typical, their thinking is shaped by articles from such popular items in their news stream like Huffington Post and sites being paid for pushing the most recent book by Esther Perel.

You can learn things from these sources, yet such items are often consumed without critical thinking. You can only read so many articles like that before it manipulates your thinking about the acceptability of affairs.

You may still believe affairs are wrong, yet these articles are intended for shaping your emotional decision making. They shape the decision you make rather than what values you espouse.

A few years ago when I completed the Affair Recovery Survey, one of the stark findings was that a person’s belief about affairs has little correlation with whether or not they had an affair. It surprised me discovering that the values a person states is not the same as the ones they live by.

Your facebook friends are led to believe that affairs are normal these days. Being that they are ‘normal’ and routine, they are relegated to being ‘just a part of life’. That attitude of considering them routine lessens the impact of affairs.

The editors behind the relationship news stories in the popular press promote today’s ‘hook-up’ culture, which includes affairs. Your facebook news feed doesn’t include stories about the devastation of affairs or how jealous spouses often kill cheaters or their lovers in many countries.

It would be upsetting to you knowing that some people disapprove of affairs in such a strong manner. It may awaken your conscience.

Social media engineers want you to enjoy your experience (e.g. have fun) rather than challenge your thinking or awaken your conscience. For them, it’s about you having fun, rather than knowing the facts.

Your time on facebook is designed to be a joy ride operated by social engineers rather than taking a look at real life. They are grooming you in terms of what you think, what your values are and your decision making.

Tolerating affairs is the stepping stone towards accepting them. The social engineers know that. They also know that the stimulating details hook you and deliver an audience for them to sell you products.

An affair is a serious threat to your marriage and your emotional status. Although you may not have been the cheater, what they do impacts you. That impact doesn’t lessen when you ignore or tolerate what happened.

In the download ‘Affair Recovery Workshop‘, I’ll show you ways of caring for yourself and dealing with the affair and its impact that you won’t read about in the facebook news feed.


Best Regards,



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