What people will not learn about affairs from Rep. Weiner

The Wiener affair has been the focus of the news, showing and telling everyone lurid details of his life. After the episode is over, the public will return to their everyday lives. Most of you will remain unchanged by what happened. Although you may remain unchanged, there are several lessons about affairs that can be gained from his example.

1. Although you can erase tweets and updates from your phones or your accounts, it does not mean that they are gone. What happens on the internet is written in permanent digital ink.

2. No one is immune from immaturity and lewdness on the internet. Since the internet appears to give anonymity, you may be tempted to indulge in behavior that you would not typically do. Your spouse may also be tempted to indulge in such behavior as well.

3. No position of power or vocation makes you immune from affairs. Politicians and prominent people often view themselves as immune from affairs and their associated fallout. Positions are sometimes exploited as a way to indulge in affairs. I have seen politicians, police officers, military officers, pastors and healthcare professionals make this mistake. You may sincerely believe that the rules do not apply to you, or that you are smarter than others on the internet, so you know how to get away with it. The reality is, you don’t.

4. Letters, photos, and notes have a way of ending up in the wrong hands. This was true before the internet and it remains even more true with the internet.

5. When the predominant people you follow are attractive members of the opposite sex, you are asking for trouble.

These are some of the lessons that could help you or your spouse avoid affairs if not get tripped up in affairs over the internet. Although you and others should learn from them, most of you will not, until it hits closer to home or involves you.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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