What a difference 140 years make

Over the weekend I was reading a commentary by a 19th century theologian which was written about 1870. In it, he pointed out that infidelity was the one sin that would preclude a person from the ministry (serving as pastor or church deacon, etc.), even when occurring prior to conversion. The writer then went on to point out that although Paul was a murderer prior to conversion, he was still qualified for that position. After reading it, I thought to myself”My how far things have come since then.” In modern churches, infidelity which occurred prior to conversion is often ignored, let alone being a disqualifying action. The whole husband of one wife issue, these days is interpreted as being a husband one wife at a time, rather than the older interpretation of only being married to one woman ones whole life.

The contrast in how infidelity was once viewed and how it is viewed now is astounding. If you have never thought about it, you may want to find out what your church teaches about infidelity and whether or not it frowns on adulterers in positions of responsibility within the church. Many churches condone adultery with their actions, yet condemn it with their preaching, which is confusing and inconsistent.

I share this story to give you a comparison so that you can see for yourself how far things have changed.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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7 Responses

  1. Good point….btw …you can use ‘viper woman ‘ though I don’t think it is copyright material! Thanks for the commplement …I have heard some pretty original stuff on sites where the broken hearted are trying to ‘vent’ ….poor souls…but glad there is help….

    Back in the day …people must have suffered in silence or committed crimes

    I was thinking about “Gone With the Wind’ where the madame was the sympathetic character and those who were prone to condemn such a enterprise were shown as “self” righteous.

    That movie got a lot of women swooning over Rhett Butler …and even Ashley who my own mom had a crush on !

    Movies do indeed make the way for softening of cultural norms….sadly .

    Such a spectacular movie….but the hidden messages and not so hidden added to already weakening mores…

    How often those who stand up for God’s righteous laws are considered ‘self ‘ righteous….or judgmental

    There is such a thing but when it is God’s judgment on sin ….it is not SELF judgment upon a sin …speaking the truth in love is just that LOVE …even if it is the harsh reality about one’s sin ..it is STILL love to expose sin for what it is …for the possibility if those who hear have EARS TO HEAR…aka humility …and desire to do what is right and holy….for the good of ALL and the glory of GOD

    Keep on speaking up for what is right Jeff…..if nobody hears…it is YOUR testimony for the sake of life and light of the Words of GOD that all might have the opportunity to take action themselves to learn if it is SO.

    1. Zaza,

      Thank you for the encouraging words. I know that when people are hurting, they need encouragement, directions, answers and hope. They also need it is a short easy to read and grasp format.

      Comments from you and others reminds me that it is not in vain.

  2. Absolutely….remember not everyone who reads what you share here will comment….It is good . We enjoy short sound bites…..so much reading to do these days ….you are able to put things in a few words with a powerful impact….a great skill!

    Short is not my longsuit! heeehee…bet you would never have guessed that ! :>D

  3. I read and appreciate all of your posts though I don’t comment often. Thank you for your insight.
    As for this post, I don’t understand why anyone would be denied any opportunities/duties because of preconversion sin. It seems to me that we can be forgiven of our sins, that HE will remember them no more, once we repent. That is why Jesus Christ died for us.

    Do you think “religious” people are less apt to commit adultery? Im thinking they fall just as much. Satan just might work harder on them.

    1. Stormy,

      Thank you for your comment. I am still sorting through my stance on what the theologian said. I decided to post it in order to give readers a feel for who strongly people viewed infidelity in generations past. It was a serious matter, and still is.

      In terms of whether religious people or Christians have less affairs, I have not found that to be so. It should be that followers of God would be less inclined to have affairs and in some circles they are. In terms of the mass population of those who claim the name ‘Christian’, the frequency of affairs remains high. The big difference is the kind of head games they engage in.

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