The Will to Resist

The question occurred to me, ‘How long does it take your will to resist to break?” Although you may think it is a silly question, many cheaters believe that they’re strong enough to have the will to resist temptations.

In their minds, they are manly, womanly or holy enough to resist. They view themselves as a ‘super being’ who is immune to temptation. No one is immune.

Even St. Paul told people to ‘flee youthful lusts’. He knew that you can stand against many temptations, but when it comes to lust, you need to run away.

The cheater may be filled with good intentions. You may have never intended to cheat. Despite all the good intentions, under the right circumstances, the majority of people  crater under temptation.

When the temptation to cheat is right in front of you, and you have the opportunity to indulge in the lust of the flesh, few people can say ‘no for very long. When the will to resist breaks, it often does so quickly.

Like the breaking of a dam, once there are a few cracks, the breakthrough occurs quickly. It starts slowly at first, and then all at once. Likewise, once there are a few cracks in the will to resist, the breakthrough comes quickly.

So what is a person to do in order to avoid temptation situations.

First, avoid alcohol and drugs. Those two items are a factor in many affair temptation scenarios.

Second, avoid compromising situations. This means you want to avoid situation that you put you and a member of the opposite sex in close quarters without others watching. The few number of observers, the higher the risk.

Third, the risk for affairs often increases the further the cheater is from home. They often find that being surrounded by strangers makes any indiscretions more tolerable.

The fourth is to eat regular meals and adequate sleep. When you are hungry or sleepy, the will to resist is often weaker. springing temptation on someone when they are under stress is often a way to increase the power of the temptation.

Fifth, communicate with your spouse regularly and often. Staying in communication will not eliminate temptations, yet it reduces the likelihood of the opportunities from being made. When your spouse puts distance between you and them, it is often a caution sign.

If the above recommendations fail you, the video “Help for the Cheater: Starting the Road to Recovery”  helps you get back to where you intended to be.

You can recover from a slip or a fall.

Best Regards,


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