When Affairs become commonplace

When affairs become commonplace, you know that moral standards have been artificially lowered. When the standards of ‘acceptable’ behavior have been lowered to accommodate that point, weirdness becomes the new ‘normal’.

What this means for your marriage is that your relationship has lost any kind of special status. Your husband or wife is merely who you slept with that night.

Neither husband or wife have special claims on each other. What some so-called progressive thinkers refer to as ‘sexual freedom’ amounts to a narcissistic self-gratifying free for all without any kind of accountability.

It’s not by accident that so many movies and television shows parade infidelity in front of you so much that you become desensitized to its occurrence.  When you are desensitized to affairs, what follows is that they become commonplace.

It’s not just desensitizing, they also program you as to who you should have an affair with. The programs parade attractive people in front of you as a way of role modeling who to sleep with and how to do it.

When the actors and actresses are enjoying the affair and are attractive people, it sends you a message. That message is “Affairs are cool. You can be one of the cool kids too if you have an affair like ours.”

This is a far cry from the days when those having affairs were viewed as ‘bad influences’ or soiled. In today’s pop culture, the bad influences are made heroes in their stories and paraded as someone to follow.

Yes, I know that affairs are nothing new. They’ve been happening for the thousands of years mankind has existed, yet their occurrence is often met with disapproval or shunning.

What’s happening now is that the shunning and disapproval of affairs is disappearing at an alarming rate. Cheaters are now more brazen in their philandering.

Just because they are more brazen does not mean that cheating is more okay now than in years past.

Your critics may say that you have ‘outdated morals’ or that you are old-fashioned. We need more old-fashioned backbone in standing up to wicked behavior.

Affairs are wicked. You need to accept that reality.

When you no longer see them as ‘wicked’ or ‘wrong’, you’ve become part of the problem. Part of the desensitization programming uses the beautiful people and their affairs in order to make affairs part of ‘being cool’.

The thinking is that once the ‘cool’ or desirable people do it, the message is sent that infidelity is acceptable behavior. If you hope to stand against infidelity, you’ll risk being considered ‘uncool’. Would you rather be considered ‘uncool’ or loose your marriage?

Bear in mind that once affairs are commonplace, the cutting edge of sexual liberation will push for new frontiers. If the old barriers of marriage didn’t stop people, neither will age or family relationship serve as barriers for licentiousness.

It is okay to be outraged at an affair. You need to give yourself permission to be upset when affairs occur. If you do not get upset and choose to keep things to yourself, your silence will be interpreted as ‘tacit approval’ of them.

You need to speak out about affairs. They are wrong. They are sinful.

They weaken the family by breaking marriage bonds, destroying a child’s ability to trust their parent, and increased flagrant lying. They weaken the moral fiber of your family.

After an affair, the cheater looses their moral standing. It is hard to discipline a child when they do not respect your moral authority. Once your moral authority is lost, your word means nothing.

Affairs spread diseases along with making you more susceptible to illness. The diseases may come either directly or indirectly as part of the secondary psychosomatic disruptions.

The hopeful news is that an affair does not have to mean the end of your marriage. The downloadable “Affair Recovery Workshop” guides you in repairing your relationship. You can recover from affairs when you know what to do and how to do it. This workshop guides you in those matters so an affair is not ‘the end”

Best Regards,


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4 Responses

    1. mere,

      Thank you for your comments. Pornography definitely plays a role in the issue. It changes how people view sexual relations along with how men and women look at each other and interact with each other. Those forces seeking social change know this and often use pornography to undermine marriages and morals. It often starts with making the aberrant behavior seem normal and common place. When affairs are the “norm”, people assume they must be “Ok” since so many people are doing it. They also begin assuming that something must be ‘wrong’ with themselves if they are not doing what everybody else is doing.

  1. It’s so sad that society has been desensitized about pretty much everything. Sex/porn, violence, crime/wannabe gangsters, and definitely infidelity! Marriage doesn’t mean nothing anymore and it’s getting worse. I pray for my kids and try my hardest to pass on the morals and values I had been taught as a child. I can only pray for our future generations because the world as we know it is going to sh**!!

    1. Gi,

      Thank you for your response. There has been a massive desensitization that impacts every aspect of our lives and our children’s lives. The home has to be a refuge from that desensitization, if you hope to limit its effects. The best way to pass on values to children is to live them and SHOW them what to do, rather than just preach it to them without examples. There have been many dark episodes in history when the moral culture was bad, and things changed. Technology has made us too aware of all the immorality out there. Marriages and families often fall apart a little at a time, starting with the desensitization (numbing) of people to the importance of marriage.

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