but, …the Family has evolved

You may find it surprising, but there are some advocates of affairs who use the excuse that “the family has evolved” as a way of condoning their pro-affair thinking. Make no mistake, this so-called ‘progressive’ way of thinking is nothing more than old sexual libertine thinking hiding behind smooth sounding words.

As an amateur historian, on hearing that ‘the family has evolved’, I decided on checking it out. I searched out whether or not the one man, one-woman idea of marriage has evolved over time and across civilizations.

Some civilizations did have one man and numerous women. Over time, that practice changed and those civilizations became more stable. Although some engaged in that practice, it was not across all of them.

History has shown that marriage and family have existed for thousands of years. The legal codes of ancient civilizations addressed many family and marital issues. Family was important in ancient Rome, among the Hebrews, the Egyptians, the Greeks and other influential groups.

Infidelity was often frowned upon, even among the Celtic tribes of Scotland. With family being highly valued and infidelity being discouraged in ancient history, it befuddles me how progressives can claim that the idea of the family ‘evolved’.

There is no evolution about it. Maintaining family integrity is important now, and it was important thousands of years ago.

The one man, one woman arrangement was the main structure then, as it is now. Sure, there were some who wanted ‘more’ and strayed into polygamy, especially rulers who viewed themselves above the law, yet that was not the norm then or now.

Saying that ‘the family has evolved’ is nonsense.

Sure, how families have done things in adjusting to their circumstances may have changed, along with quality of life, but that is not the same thing as saying ‘marriage or family has evolved’.

If anything, proposing polyamory or multiple wives for each husband is more of a regression than an evolving.

Saying that family has ‘evolved’ in accommodating one’s sexual proclivities for multiple partners only promotes ‘abnormal behaviors’ and encourages sexual libertine lifestyles. By using scientific sounding terms, those promoting such behaviors can indulge in their selfish lifestyle while assuaging their own conscience, along with fooling their low-information followers.

Having an affair does not make you ‘enlightened’.  It means that you are foolish enough to fall for the lies regarding affairs.

If you have fallen for the lies, there’s hope. The Affair Recovery Workshop guides you in re-establishing your relationship with your spouse and getting your marriage turned around.

Best Regards,




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2 Responses

  1. It seems to me that people who do not know themselves…who lack a sense of true self will continue to grasp some kind of assurance of an identity that has the most numbers of approval from those they admire.

    It is also interesting to me that Jesus spoke of those who would seek Him would end up being few along the narrow way which submits to HIS Word and His Spirit being the lead and definer of what is ‘good’ and what is ‘true’

    Once my husband thought he had gained some kind of identity with marriage to me at the time I was involved in a career in which there were many who seemed to think I was really good at what I was doing and satisfied his idea of beauty …There was no disputing that I actually maintained my looks throughout our marriage but as I turned my focus upon being a wife and mother following Jesus Christ and learning and developing new skills my ‘status’ was no longer lending itself to his need to have the kind of image that it has been revealed he was willing to risk everything to climb the ladder of acceptability to the masses….

    This is exactly what Jesus was talking about …seeking to please men ,,,mankind ..the world is the ‘option’ many run after …and it is an empty ‘victory’ to gain the admiration, power and wealth by bowing to the flesh….it simply vanishes with each new trend and each younger generation that feels the last one is passe and of no value.

    Walking by the flesh steals, kills , and destroys all that God would have given and more ..

    To walk by His Word , the Spirit is LIFE and peace with GOD …but not so often peace with the fallen world …yet what to choose….Seems like a no brainer…

    Love for anyone or anything other than the Lord FIRST will soon enough lead a person to growing blindness to the riches they already have been entrusted with ..in life…in salvation…in marriage and in children

    Running after the world and popularity for approval has stolen my husband’s life away …God has continued to bless me and my children but my husband is now steeped in self pity and ‘remorse’ but will not return to be in our family …so sad for him and growing weary of trying to be both parts of the one flesh in our home…but I have to allow the Lord to do whatever He will do to arrange to bring my husband to Himself first ….and then home.

    Until then it is stressful to be the one upon whom all responsibilities of our home land on …but again I am to lean not to my own understanding but in everything acknowledge Him and HE WILL direct my path….this is what believers are called to do ..becoming armed with the Word of GOD in mind and practice….and He will take care of all else.

    My identity is found in Jesus Christ and all other aspects of life developed out of that relationship change ….not according to my desire and will but His …and I realize that I must continue in prayer and thanksgiving without ceasing…

    Families have not evolved where sinful ‘versions’ have been engaged in …but only destruction of what could have been ….a godly and glorious fulfillment of the will of He who has walked here as a man and then laid His life down for our sake …taking the righteous judgment upon Himself for our sin …and dying , resurrecting as fulfilling the prophesies of His life, death and resurrection.

    No one else has done this …Jesus Christ is worthy to follow ….

    1. Amen!

      You have learned many lessons that would benefit others if they heed it. Having the wrong foundation will ruin your life and your marriage. The so-called, self-proclaimed ‘progressives’ continue wanting to ‘improve’ on the design for marriage and family that God gave originally. By claiming that things evolve, they justify what they are doing in the name of ‘evolution’ and ‘progress’.

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