Emotional Makeovers and Suffering

The other day in my studies, I came across a notable quote. A commentator stated “The suffering of the body effects the soul.”

Although suffering isn’t an enjoyable topic, it’s necessary for affair recovery. In recovering from an affair, you encounter suffering.

There will be times of physical suffering, days of emotional suffering and times when your soul aches. Each of these pain are telling you something.

Treating all suffering the same is a common mistake. I understand the lure of lumping them all together as ‘pain’ and sticking them in the pain box. Once in the pain box, pain killers, tranquilizers and sedatives are used in dealing with them.

Such approaches stop the pain, yet also numb you out on many levels. When you’re numbed out, you also miss out on what the suffering is telling you.

The nature, location and type of pain provides clues that can help you through recovery. Your body is often aware of  items that your conscious mind isn’t.

Your suffering also effects your soul. It starts a change process.

It’s not just your emotions, that change. Change occurs in your thinking, your focus and your reactions. Your suffering is also an emotional rewiring.

In the early 2000’s the show “Extreme Makeover” was popular. It was fascinating seeing the many ways the whole environment of a home changes with a makeover.

It was a show I enjoyed watching the transformation process. The makeover changed the whole feel of things. In a similar manner, the rewiring of your soul is an emotional makeover of you.

Your suffering is actually about the rewiring and re-tuning of your emotions. It’s an emotional reset.

When the makeover gets stuck or goes wrong, you can get stuck in affair trauma. In the video, “Overcoming Affair Trauma”, I address how you can move past those moments.

Best Regards,


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