The big impact of doing ‘little things’

My oldest son is getting married. As part of preparing for their wedding, he and his fiancée set up a website where invitees are asked for their marital advice and any words of wisdom they have for the couple.

Peggy and I, being team players contributed some suggestions to them. For a moment, I struggled coming up with what to say. By the time people usually seek my input, things are at or near crisis conditions.

It’s struck me as strange giving advice to a young couple starting out. My wife and I compared notes on what we found useful and helpful over the years. We managed coming up with a list of several items for their consideration.

One thing I noticed about our list is the common theme of ‘the little things’. The little things make a huge difference in the day to day part of marriage relationships.

Think about how using kind words, a pleasant tone of voice, taking turns, going to bed at the same time and dressing attractively for your spouse makes a difference. The irony is that over time, couples neglect those ‘simple things’.

Perhaps life got busy. Perhaps you gave up.

Perhaps you forgot to keep doing them. Perhaps you were never taught the simple things.

Doing those simple things over time brings big changes to marriage relationships. Your marriage may benefit from a refresher in some of those simple things regarding daily conversation with your spouse.

Why throw away a perfectly good marriage?

In the “30 Days to a Better Marriage”, you can start moving your marriage in a better direction. Each day has new tasks which when done over a 30 day period bring changes to your relationship.

Spouses are often leery when you promise how you’ve changed and they haven’t seen anything. The promise of “I’ll change” means nothing if they don’t see results. They look for what is done rather than what’s said.

This program guides you through a series of small changes that improve your relationship.

Best Regards,


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